Technical zhow to

Eric Hoch eric.hoch2 at
Thu Nov 28 14:38:07 UTC 2024


please try the following command:

|sudo chflags nouchg,noschg /Applications/ this should 
unlock the file and you should be able to move it to the trash. |

However if I remember it correctly there should be an uninstaller inside 
the FortiClient app bundle. Newer versions of FortiClient, at least the 
ones I our client provided to me install an uninstaller straight away 
which you should use.



Am 28.11.24 um 00:15 schrieb James Linder:
> This query is way OT, but appeals to all the clever people here
> To accomodate a customer I installed FortiClient VPN software
> It installes locked apps
> Google .. Google
> I’m running sonoma on m3
> as a unix greybeard I do not and have never allowed SIP to rule my world
> No matter what I try I cannot remove FortiClient. (All my efforts have rendered it "The application “FortiClient” can’t be opened.”)
> How does one purge a locked app?
> Thanks
> James
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