Macports manpage doesn't include migrate and snapshot commands...?

Carlo Tambuatco oraclmaster at
Mon Oct 7 21:55:07 UTC 2024

Wait hold on spoke too soon. It is documented in man port-migrate, but not on the man page 
for port. The man page for port doesn’t seem to include that command so you just have to know 
it exists to bring up its man page. Same for port-snapshot.

> On Oct 7, 2024, at 5:51 PM, Carlo Tambuatco <cfdtamb at> wrote:
> I have macports 2.10.2 installed and I just happened to notice some new commands/features that don’t seem 
> to be documented in the manpage for port. Like the new port migrate and snapshot commands. 
> Should someone update the manpage to include those new features?

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