failed migration to Sequoia

Joshua Root jmr at
Thu Sep 19 23:07:33 UTC 2024

On 20/9/2024 08:27, Artemio González López wrote:
> Before reading your message, I deleted the directory /Library/Developer/ 
> CommandLineTools and reinstalled the Command Tools for Xcode 16 (which I 
> also have installed) from scratch using the dmg at the Developer 
> website. This should be equivalent to what you propose, since I have 
> checked that the c++ directory is absent from a fresh installation of 
> the Command Line tools:
> artemio at mbp-13 Downloads % l /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/ 
> include/c++
> ls: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/include/c++: No such file or 
> directory

Yes, that also works.

> Unfortunately, after executing supo port restore —last I got exactly the 
> same error as before (libgcc14 and lib sodium failed, and cause several 
> ports, like emacs-app, not to compile). I do not know what else to do. 
> Could executing "sudo port selfupdate” before “sudo port restore —last” 
> help, or could it mess up things with the ports that have been 
> deactivated by the previous restore commands? Is there anything else I 
> should try? By the way, I am running things on a 2019 M1 13” MacBook Pro.

You should definitely run port selfupdate, because that is how you get 
the latest changes to the ports, which includes the fixes for many of 
the Sequoia and Xcode 16 problems.

- Josh

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