Need help / advice

brewerleece brewerleece at
Tue Jan 21 14:04:48 UTC 2025


I need some help / advice.

I have had mp for many, many years, and currently have mp installed on Mavericks.  

As of December, I am no longer able to upgrade any ports due to failures.  At the very least, I would like to upgrade some of the command line tools (e.g. ffmpeg, etc.), but when I do, mp wants to 'upgrade' other ports that cause major failures in some of my last remaining (gui) ports apps that are needed (like keepass, etc.).  I gave up on ports like 'gimp' a long time ago.

Is there a way to get some of the command line tools that I use - upgraded without mp forcing me to upgrade / re-build un-related ports?

Do I need some kind of isolated mp install or something?  I can provide more info if needed.

I have written a ticket:

ticket #71670


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