Need help / advice

Riccardo Mottola riccardo.mottola at
Tue Jan 28 15:04:55 UTC 2025

Hi Ryan,

Ryan Carsten Schmidt wrote:
> I don't recommend trying to create an overlay. Doing this puts the burden of making things work on your system entirely on you, makes it difficult for anyone to help you with future problems since nobody else has the set of overlay ports you do, and it does nothing to help all the other users who were experiencing the same problem you were.

correct, I didn't recommend it either. I proposed it only for a certain 
specific ports if there is a specific reason.
On 10.9 none are required for my set of installed packages, almost none 
on 10.7. Only on 10.5 and 10.6 things get trickier, but most of the base 
stuff like the buildchain works. But e.g. emacs and MacVim need older ports.


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