I just wanted to upgrade my older MacPorts version

xmartin at iqf.csic.es xmartin at iqf.csic.es
Thu Mar 7 12:30:10 UTC 2024

Sorry for such an stupid question…

I was running an older MacPorts version on my High Sierra and wanted to upgrade the version just installing the newest one (MacPorts-2.9.1-10.13-HighSierra.pkg <https://github.com/macports/macports-base/releases/download/v2.9.1/MacPorts-2.9.1-10.13-HighSierra.pkg>) existing for my iMac. I did it and and it was made with getting no errors or warnings. 

However, after this installation I only see that there appeared a new directory called /opt/local/var/, but the existing executables are still the old ones (the ones existing in the old  /opt/local/bin directory. 

And when I try to run “sudo port selfupdate”  I get the following error:

--->  Updating MacPorts base sources using rsync
Error: Error synchronizing MacPorts sources: command execution failed
Please run `port -v selfupdate' for details.
Error: /opt/local/bin/port: port selfupdate failed: Error synchronizing MacPorts sources: command execution failed

Rerunning it with the -v option I get exactly the same error and my question is:
What can I do to have the newest MacPorts binaries being upgraded?

Any help would be kindly appreciated….
All the best,
Dr. Martin Martinez-Ripoll
Research Professor Emeritus
xmartin at iqf.csic.es
Dept. of Crystallography & Structural Biology
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
Spanish National Research Council

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