[MacPorts] SummerOfCode modified

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Tue Mar 9 10:03:32 PST 2010

Changed page "SummerOfCode" by raimue at macports.org from*
Page URL: <http://trac.macports.org/wiki/SummerOfCode>
Diff URL: <http://trac.macports.org/wiki/SummerOfCode?action=diff&version=124>
Revision 124
Comment: Remove depot-to-depot deps, as that has been obsoleted with the images-and-archive branch

Index: SummerOfCode
--- SummerOfCode (version: 123)
+++ SummerOfCode (version: 124)
@@ -136,14 +136,6 @@
 Programming languages: Tcl, C[[BR]]
 Potential mentor: raimue
-==== Images (Pkgview, depot-to-depot dependencies) ==== #images
-MacPorts implements what we call the Image mode where software are stored in a depot (e.g. `/opt/local/var/db/dports/software/gawk/3.1.5_2/opt/local/bin/gawk`). For the moment, this functions like an archive and files are hardlinked to their active location (/opt/local/bin/gawk). If port A depends on dynamic library B.dylib from port B, it actually links to /opt/local/lib/B.dylib. The idea of this task is to figure out a way for port A to be linked to the library in the depot and to work even if port B is not active. That is to say that if port foo depends on version 1.2.3 of port bar, it should be compiled and linked in such a way that it's wired to the depot location of bar, not the "activated" location.  That will finally fix the fragility problem where deactivating port bar vers n-1 in order to install port bar vers n (because other things depend on n) won't also require breaking everything that relies on n-1. This mechanism also has additional advantages such as limiting the unavailability time to a minimum, especially when upgrading libraries every other package depends on (such as gettext).
-Classification: challenging to very challenging task[[BR]]
-Programming language: Tcl[[BR]]
-Potential mentor: TBD
 ==== Portfiles ==== #Portfiles
 Sweep through all Portfiles and look for useful opportunities to add more built-in Tcl functions that make Portfiles more (usefully) terse, powerful, flexible or easier to write.  I'm sure there is an entirely family of helper functions yet to be written here.
@@ -200,3 +192,18 @@
 Programming languages: Tcl and C[[BR]]
 Potential mentor: blb
+# Removed ideas which do not fit to our plans anymore
+# Will be obsolete and no longer be possible with the images-and-archives branch
+==== Images (Pkgview, depot-to-depot dependencies) ==== #images
+MacPorts implements what we call the Image mode where software are stored in a depot (e.g. `/opt/local/var/db/dports/software/gawk/3.1.5_2/opt/local/bin/gawk`). For the moment, this functions like an archive and files are hardlinked to their active location (/opt/local/bin/gawk). If port A depends on dynamic library B.dylib from port B, it actually links to /opt/local/lib/B.dylib. The idea of this task is to figure out a way for port A to be linked to the library in the depot and to work even if port B is not active. That is to say that if port foo depends on version 1.2.3 of port bar, it should be compiled and linked in such a way that it's wired to the depot location of bar, not the "activated" location.  That will finally fix the fragility problem where deactivating port bar vers n-1 in order to install port bar vers n (because other things depend on n) won't also require breaking everything that relies on n-1. This mechanism also has additional advantages such as limiting the unavailability time to a minimum, especially when upgrading libraries every other package depends on (such as gettext).
+Classification: challenging to very challenging task[[BR]]
+Programming language: Tcl[[BR]]
+Potential mentor: TBD


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