[MacPorts] SummerOfCode modified

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Tue Mar 9 10:06:16 PST 2010

Changed page "SummerOfCode" by raimue at macports.org from*
Page URL: <http://trac.macports.org/wiki/SummerOfCode>
Diff URL: <http://trac.macports.org/wiki/SummerOfCode?action=diff&version=125>
Revision 125
Comment: Restore rev-upgrade which got lost

Index: SummerOfCode
--- SummerOfCode (version: 124)
+++ SummerOfCode (version: 125)
@@ -94,6 +94,20 @@
 Programming language: Tcl[[BR]]
 Potential mentors: TBD
+==== Scan for broken dynamic libraries for rebuild ==== #rev-upgrade 
+Upgrading any port can naturally break its dependents if using dynamic libraries. The only way to fix this is currently rebuilding all dependents, no matter if necessary or not. MacPorts should get a new command to scan installed dynamic libraries and binaries for linker errors and mark the corresponding port for rebuild. After checking all files, broken ones should get rebuild in the correct order. Probably it has to do the check again after each set of rebuilds. 
+port rev-upgrade [portname] 
+If you are familiar with Gentoo, this would be the equivalent of the revdep-rebuild command. See #17473 for more information. 
+Classification: easy to medium task[[BR]] 
+Programming languages: Tcl[[BR]] 
+Potential mentor: raimue 
 ==== Dependencies ==== #dependencies
 This task consists of implementing a new dependencies engine for MacPorts. The current dependency engine properly deals with installing packages, but it does not deal satisfactorily with dependencies on variants (and versions), uninstalling and upgrading. This very challenging task requires a complete formalization of the use cases (installation, upgrade, uninstallation) and of the user needs before any implementation, as well as a deep understanding of the dependency relations (required for fetching, building, configuring; static and dynamic linking; dependence at runtime).


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