[macports-ports] branch master updated (27ffd38c48a -> d1d9c6ab12f)

Renee Otten reneeotten at macports.org
Sun Nov 10 03:45:44 UTC 2024

Renee Otten (reneeotten) pushed a change to branch master
in repository macports-ports.

    from 27ffd38c48a the_Foundation: update to 1.9.1
     new 28b42b8ec36 R-antiword: update to 1.3.4
     new 5a1049ba497 R-archive: update to 1.1.10
     new 7a0053df6ec R-bayesreg: update to 1.3
     new 40c5b9aae68 R-bitops: update to 1.0-9
     new 6a54ace81ee R-bravo: update to 3.2.2
     new 5ce10b9de2f R-cbbinom: update to 0.2.0
     new 9b23c0b8220 R-cld2: update to 1.2.5; R-cld3: update to 1.6.1
     new e2ceb4164cb R-cpfa: update to 1.1-6
     new d75875b0225 R-filearray: update to 0.1.9
     new 6a757f40a6f R-FSelectorRcpp: update to 0.3.13
     new 721d4a1b2ad R-gdtools: update to 0.4.1
     new 129330061ea R-ggfun: update to 0.1.7; R-yulab.utils: update to 0.1.8
     new 01627f82a83 R-glmm.hp: update to 0.1-6
     new 2f7d926ecde R-GNE: update to 0.99-6
     new 379b5897f58 R-hutilscpp: update to 0.10.6
     new 6380a48c4fa R-jagshelper: update to 0.4.1
     new 3acd9b68a33 R-knitr, R-litedown, R-rmarkdown: update to current versions
     new 6f669b48f94 R-manymome: update to 0.2.4; R-Amelia: update to 1.8.3
     new 9d7b0537e78 R-manynet: update to 1.3.2
     new 4f0f7e28f61 R-migraph: update to 1.4.3
     new c7c6b8c30c8 R-NNS: update to 10.9.3
     new 73248ee464a R-officer: update to 0.6.7
     new 17523394d29 R-parallelly: update to 1.39.0
     new 9e998737d66 R-CausalQueries: update to 1.2.1
     new 8b8777f29ea R-changepoint: update to 2.3
     new d1d9c6ab12f R-DescTools: update to 0.99.58

The 26 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "add" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Summary of changes:
 R/R-Amelia/Portfile                                | 10 +++---
 R/R-CausalQueries/Portfile                         | 13 ++++----
 R/R-DescTools/Portfile                             |  9 +++---
 R/R-FSelectorRcpp/Portfile                         | 13 ++++----
 .../files/patch-remove-missing-suggests.diff       | 18 -----------
 R/R-GNE/Portfile                                   | 17 +++++-----
 R/R-NNS/Portfile                                   | 10 +++---
 R/R-antiword/Portfile                              | 11 ++++---
 R/R-archive/Portfile                               | 12 +++----
 R/R-bayesreg/Portfile                              | 16 ++++++----
 R/R-bitops/Portfile                                |  8 ++---
 R/R-bravo/Portfile                                 |  8 ++---
 R/R-cbbinom/Portfile                               | 12 ++++---
 R/R-changepoint/Portfile                           | 17 ++++++----
 R/R-cld2/Portfile                                  |  8 ++---
 R/R-cld3/Portfile                                  |  8 ++---
 R/R-cpfa/Portfile                                  | 10 +++---
 R/R-filearray/Portfile                             | 13 ++++----
 R/R-gdtools/Portfile                               | 10 +++---
 R/R-ggfun/Portfile                                 | 11 ++++---
 R/R-glmm.hp/Portfile                               |  8 ++---
 R/R-hutilscpp/Portfile                             |  9 +++---
 R/R-hypergeo2/Portfile                             | 37 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 R/R-jagshelper/Portfile                            | 10 +++---
 R/R-knitr/Portfile                                 | 13 ++++----
 R/R-litedown/Portfile                              |  8 ++---
 R/R-manymome/Portfile                              | 13 ++++----
 R/R-manynet/Portfile                               |  9 +++---
 R/R-migraph/Portfile                               | 10 +++---
 R/R-officer/Portfile                               | 16 +++++-----
 R/R-officer/files/patch-no-doconv.diff             | 11 -------
 R/R-parallelly/Portfile                            | 10 +++---
 R/R-rmarkdown/Portfile                             | 13 ++++----
 R/R-rmarkdown/files/patch-no-katex.diff            | 15 ---------
 R/R-yulab.utils/Portfile                           |  8 ++---
 35 files changed, 213 insertions(+), 211 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 R/R-FSelectorRcpp/files/patch-remove-missing-suggests.diff
 create mode 100644 R/R-hypergeo2/Portfile
 delete mode 100644 R/R-officer/files/patch-no-doconv.diff
 delete mode 100644 R/R-rmarkdown/files/patch-no-katex.diff

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