November 2024 Archives by date
Starting: Fri Nov 1 02:03:57 UTC 2024
Ending: Sat Nov 30 19:18:47 UTC 2024
Messages: 2294
- [mpbb] branch master updated: Use MacPorts 2.10.4 for initial installation
Joshua Root
- [macports-www] branch master updated: Set current version to 2.10.4
Joshua Root
- [] branch master updated: News post for MacPorts 2.10.4
Joshua Root
- [macports-guide] branch master updated: Set current version to 2.10.4
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: MacPorts port: update to 2.10.4
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: arti: update to 1.3.0
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: fastgltf: update to 0.8.0
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: cargo2port: update to 0.3.0 (#26387)
Aaron Madlon-Kay
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-zipfile-deflate64: add py313 subport, remove py38 subport
Mark Mentovai
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: mame: update to 0.271
Christopher Nielsen
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-clang: Update to clang19 (#26236)
Eric A. Borisch
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: pv: update to 1.9.0
Eric A. Borisch
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: poppler-devel: update to 24.10.0
Christopher Nielsen
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (d7d6c2f2fb6 -> 13a4e2af482)
Kurt Hindenburg
- [macports-ports] 01/04: py-eventlet: update to 0.37.0; add python 3.12
Kurt Hindenburg
- [macports-ports] 02/04: py-xdis: update to 6.1.1
Kurt Hindenburg
- [macports-ports] 03/04: py-crayons: add python 3.12
Kurt Hindenburg
- [macports-ports] 04/04: legit: default to python 3.12
Kurt Hindenburg
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: rawtherapee: only default to +x11 if +quartz not set
Christopher Nielsen
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (d60a4968e5c -> fee0353da65)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/08: py-blinker: update to 1.8.2, add py313 subport
Mark Mentovai
- [macports-ports] 02/08: py-setuptools-rust: update to 1.10.2, add py313 subport
Mark Mentovai
- [macports-ports] 03/08: py-cryptography: update to 43.0.3, add py313 subport
Mark Mentovai
- [macports-ports] 04/08: py-jwt: update to 2.9.0, add py313 subport
Mark Mentovai
- [macports-ports] 05/08: py-oauthlib: add py313 subport
Mark Mentovai
- [macports-ports] 06/08: py-requests-mock: update to 1.12.1, add py313 subport
Mark Mentovai
- [macports-ports] 07/08: py-pbr: add py313 subport
Mark Mentovai
- [macports-ports] 08/08: py-requests-oauthlib: update to 2.0.0, add py313 subport
Mark Mentovai
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: mise: Update to 2024.11.0
Austin Ziegler
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: FAudio: update to 24.11
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: s2n-tls: update to 1.5.7
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-class-gomor: fix fetch, livecheck, checksums
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: httpie: update to 3.2.4
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: libsdl2: update to 2.30.9
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-setuptools: update to 75.3.0
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: SDL3-devel: update to 3.1.6
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: timg: new port, version 1.6.0
Edward Rudd
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: act: update to 0.2.69
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: mox: update to 0.0.12
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: moar: update to 1.28.0
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: ruff: update to 0.7.2
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: rush: update to 0.5.7
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: mox: add npm10 as build dependency
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: audacity: update to 3.7.0
Mohamed Akram
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: onetbb: update to 2022.0.0
Mohamed Akram
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: cargo2port: update to 0.3.1
Zero King
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: cadabra2: fix build on libstdc++ systems
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-authen-radius: update to 0.33
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-pyvo: update to 1.6
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-tomlkit: update to 0.13.2
David Gilman
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (8bd3c13c507 -> beee2d72d66)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/02: libfilezilla: update to 0.49.0
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 02/02: FileZilla: update to 3.68.0
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-awscli2: update to 2.19.1
David Gilman
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (6a73f6ead76 -> 0929f360c86)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/27: R-askpass: update to 1.2.1
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 02/27: R-BayesMultiMode: update to 0.7.3
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 03/27: R-commonmark: update to 1.9.2
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 04/27: R-credentials: update to 2.0.2
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 05/27: R-future.apply: update to 1.11.3
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 06/27: R-gert: update to 2.1.4
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 07/27: R-git2r: update to 0.35.0
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 08/27: R-glue: update to 1.8.0
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 09/27: R-igraph: update to 2.1.1
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 10/27: R-manynet: update to 1.3.1
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 11/27: R-marginaleffects: update to 0.23.0
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 12/27: R-OpenMx: update to 2.21.13
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 13/27: R-R.oo: update to 1.27.0
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 14/27: R-randtoolbox, R-rngWELL: update to current versions
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 15/27: R-RcmdrPlugin.DoE: update to 0.12-6
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 16/27: R-rsconnect: update to 1.3.2
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 17/27: R-sf: update to 1.0-18
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 18/27: R-slam: update to 0.1-54
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 19/27: R-sodium: update to 1.3.2
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 20/27: R-stochvol: update to 3.2.5
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 21/27: R-sys: update to 3.4.3
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (0929f360c86 -> 340ffc970a2)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 22/27: R-terra: update to 1.7-83
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 23/27: R-tibble: update to
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 01/25: R-data.table: update to 1.16.2
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 24/27: R-tinytex: update to 0.54
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 02/25: R-doBy: update to 4.6.24
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 25/27: R-unix: update to 1.5.9
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 03/25: R-dotCall64: update to 1.2
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 26/27: R-vdiffr: update to 1.0.8
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 04/25: R-emmeans: update to 1.10.5
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 27/27: R-xts: update to 0.14.1
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 05/25: R-fs: update to 1.6.5
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 06/25: R-Hmisc: update to 5.2-0
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 07/25: R-ieeeround: update to 0.2-2
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 08/25: R-jagshelper: update to 0.4.0
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 09/25: R-Matrix: update to 1.7-1
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 10/25: R-nanoarrow: update to 0.6.0
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 11/25: R-oeli: update to 0.7.0
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 12/25: R-openxlsx2: update to 1.10
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 13/25: R-pkgbuild: update to 1.4.5
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 14/25: R-priorsense: update to 1.0.4
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 15/25: R-progressr: update to 0.15.0
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 16/25: R-ps: update to 1.8.1
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 17/25: R-QuickJSR: update to 1.4.0
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 18/25: R-Rcmdr: update to 2.9-5
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 19/25: R-RcppAlgos: update to 2.8.5
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 20/25: R-RcppDate: update to 0.0.4
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 21/25: R-rgl: update to 1.3.12
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 22/25: R-RSQLite: update to
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: blaspp: update to 2024.10.26
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 23/25: R-withr: update to 3.0.2
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 24/25: R-gWidgets, R-partykit, R-roughnet: fix missing test deps
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 25/25: R-bayestestR and friends: update to current versions
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (a3e1752928d -> 91dc01dadd6)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/02: py27-matplotlib: move to separate port
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 02/02: py-matplotlib: update to 3.9.2
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: libssh2: fix build after update
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: schismtracker: new port in audio
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: libsdl2-powerpc: update to 2.30.9
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: libvpx-devel: update to 1.15.0
Christopher Nielsen
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: astyle: update to 3.6.4
Szabolcs Horvát
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: nicotine-plus: update to 3.3.6
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: xaos: update to 4.3.3
Szabolcs Horvát
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-image-exiftool, exiftool: update to version 13.01
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-log-dispatchouli: update to version 3.008
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: stress-ng: 0.18.06
Zhenfu Shi
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: CI: remove macOS 12 runner
Joshua Root
- [macports-base] branch master updated: CI: remove macOS 12 runner
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: timescaledb: fix conflict with subport
Monson Shao
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: emacs-app-devel: update to 20241021
Jordan Ellis Coppard
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: gql: update to 0.29.1
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: moar: update to 1.28.1
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: nodejs22: update to 22.11.0
Mohamed Akram
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: atomvm: fix build on old systems
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: xonsh: update to 0.18.4; drop python38, add python313 variants
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: xonsh: fix checksums, whitespace
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: chafa: update to 1.14.5
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: dua-cli: update to 2.29.4
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-crashtest: add python 3.13 subport
David Gilman
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: syslog-ng-devel: update to 2024.10.22
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (14150f43cc9 -> 9e61b283b6d)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/07: py-pyqt6: update to snapshot to support Qt 6.8
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 02/07: py-pyqt6-webengine: update to snapshot to support Qt 6.8
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 03/07: py-pyqt6-3d: update to snapshot to support Qt 6.8
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 04/07: py-pyqt6-charts: update to snapshot to support Qt 6.8
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 05/07: py-pyqt6-datavisualization: update to snapshot to support Qt 6.8
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 06/07: py-pyqt6-networkauth: update to snapshot to support Qt 6.8
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 07/07: py-pyqt6-sip: update to snapshot to support Qt 6.8
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (9e61b283b6d -> a51e3ea3f68)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/28: R-Rcpp: update to 1.0.13-1
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 02/28: R-bfast: update to 1.7.0; R-strucchangeRcpp: update to 1.5-4-1.0.0
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 03/28: R-BMA: update to 3.18.19
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 04/28: R-bookdown: update to 0.41; R-xfun: update to 0.49
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 05/28: R-brotli: update to 1.3.1
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 06/28: R-bsvars: update to 3.2
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 07/28: R-bvhar: update to 2.1.2
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 08/28: R-collapse: update to 2.0.17
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 09/28: R-earth: update to 5.3.4
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 10/28: R-evaluate: update to 1.0.1
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 11/28: R-gdata: update to 3.0.1
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 12/28: R-gss: update to 2.2-8
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 13/28: R-gtable: update to 0.3.6
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 14/28: R-hdf5r.Extra: update to 0.1.0
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 15/28: R-hunspell: update to 3.0.5; R-spelling: update to 2.3.1
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 16/28: R-LBI: update to 0.2.0
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 17/28: R-leidenAlg: update to 1.1.4
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 18/28: R-Matching: update to 4.10-15
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 19/28: R-matlib: update to 1.0.0
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 20/28: R-memisc: update to
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 21/28: R-modelenv: update to 0.2.0
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 22/28: R-modeltime: update to 1.3.1
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 23/28: R-mongolite: update to 2.8.1
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 24/28: R-multinet: update to 4.2.1
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 25/28: R-neojags: update to 0.1.5
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 26/28: R-nnlib2Rcpp: update to 0.2.9
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 27/28: R-pingr: update to 2.0.4
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 28/28: R-pins: update to 1.4.0
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: sitecopy: add missing defs to configure
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-astropy-iers-data: update to 0.2024.
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (511bd52ff93 -> 4616e5a6592)
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] 01/02: py-acme: drop py38 subport
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] 02/02: py-pyrfc3339: update to 2.0.1; drop py38 subport
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: git-credential-oauth: update to 0.13.4
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: goreleaser: update to 2.4.2
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: npm10: update to 10.9.0
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (0e5667cfe5c -> bbae072c758)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/03: py-filelock: drop py37 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 02/03: py-spyder: update to 6.0.2
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 03/03: py-pymc: update to 5.18.0
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: zellij: update to 0.41.1
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: duckdb: update to 1.1.3
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: actionlint: update to 1.7.4
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: muscle: update to 5.2
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (a1a57d65c59 -> 02bf35cbc43)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/04: librasterlite2: use latest version of PROJ
Nicklas Larsson
- [macports-ports] 02/04: gdal: use latest version of PROJ
Nicklas Larsson
- [macports-ports] 03/04: gdal: remove deprecated libkml and poppler variants
Nicklas Larsson
- [macports-ports] 04/04: gdal: new +rasterlite2 variant
Nicklas Larsson
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: libopenmpt: update to 0.7.11
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: libmysofa: update to 1.3.3
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: xaos: use `${build.dir}` for convenience
Szabolcs Horvát
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: gpsd: drop 'plot' variant for Python 3.8
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: gk: update to 2.1.2
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: enblend: rev-bump for gsl ABI change
Christopher Nielsen
- [macports-legacy-support] branch master updated (4b3dd36 -> f1becf1)
Christopher Nielsen
- [macports-legacy-support] 01/27: Fix some builds (e.g. Xcode 7.2 clang 7) with 15.x SDK.
Fred Wright
- [macports-legacy-support] 02/27: Fix AvailabilityMacros for recent compilers.
Fred Wright
- [macports-legacy-support] 03/27: Fix stdio/stdlib for recent compilers.
Fred Wright
- [macports-legacy-support] 04/27: Include mantest_clean in test_clean.
Fred Wright
- [macports-legacy-support] 05/27: Add test for math.h compile
Fred Wright
- [macports-legacy-support] 06/27: Fix SDK 15 math.h for compilers without _Float16
Fred Wright
- [macports-legacy-support] 07/27: Fix SDK 15 MacTypes.h for compilers without __has_include()
Fred Wright
- [macports-legacy-support] 08/27: Support C++ manual tests
Fred Wright
- [macports-legacy-support] 09/27: Rewrite os_unfair_lock test in C.
Fred Wright
- [macports-legacy-support] 10/27: Deprecate C++ dirent test.
Fred Wright
- [macports-legacy-support] 11/27: Fix CLOCK_MONOTONIC for 10.4
Fred Wright
- [macports-legacy-support] 12/27: Rewrite test_time in C.
Fred Wright
- [macports-legacy-support] 13/27: Makefile: Add target for all xtests.
Fred Wright
- [macports-legacy-support] 14/27: Move test_cmsg_macro and test_queues to xtest.
Fred Wright
- [macports-legacy-support] 15/27: Makefile: Remove support for automatic C++ tests.
Fred Wright
- [macports-legacy-support] 16/27: Add explanation for avoiding automatic tests in C++.
Fred Wright
- [macports-legacy-support] 17/27: Makefile: Add targets for object files.
Fred Wright
- [macports-legacy-support] 18/27: Makefile: Fix syslib target.
Fred Wright
- [macports-legacy-support] 19/27: Makefile: Exclude empty objects from static library.
Fred Wright
- [macports-legacy-support] 20/27: Makefile: Implement statically-linked tests.
Fred Wright
- [macports-legacy-support] 21/27: Rewrite symbol aliases test.
Fred Wright
- [macports-legacy-support] 22/27: Makefile: Fix parallel builds.
Fred Wright
- [macports-legacy-support] 23/27: test_arc4random: Fix warning.
Fred Wright
- [macports-legacy-support] 24/27: Rename sources with overly verbose names.
Fred Wright
- [macports-legacy-support] 25/27: Makefile: Add syslib and 'all' test targets.
Fred Wright
- [macports-legacy-support] 26/27: Hide atexit.c until it's fixed.
Fred Wright
- [macports-legacy-support] 27/27: Makefile: Fix superfluous library rebuilds.
Fred Wright
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: cppcheck: update to 2.16.0
Kurt Hindenburg
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-berkeleydb: update to 18.1.11
Christopher Nielsen
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: gegl-devel: update to 0.4.50
Christopher Nielsen
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: legacy-support-devel: Update to latest master.
Fred Wright
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: rage: update to 0.11.0
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: gnutls-devel: update to 3.8.8
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: holoviews: update to 1.20.0
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-dns-lexicon, py-itemloaders, py-scrapy: drop py38 subport
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-tldextract: update to 5.1.3; drop py38 subport
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: vttest: update to 20241031
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (07e4decfbac -> 40725f0bd57)
Chris Jones
- [macports-ports] 01/02: libarchive: update to 3.7.7
Chris Jones
- [macports-ports] 02/02: libraw: update to 0.21.3
Chris Jones
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (40725f0bd57 -> b93df102a60)
Chris Jones
- [macports-ports] 01/02: libzip: update to 1.11.2
Chris Jones
- [macports-ports] 02/02: fribidi: update to 1.0.16
Chris Jones
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: libomp: update to 19.1.3
Chris Jones
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: libdeflate: update to 1.22
Chris Jones
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: imath: update to 3.1.12
Chris Jones
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: git-extras: update to 7.3.0
Chris Jones
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: bfs: update to 4.0.4
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: mas: 1.8.7
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: isl-devel: update to 0.27
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: ruby-build: Update to 20241105
Austin Ziegler
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: mise: Update to 2024.11.1
Austin Ziegler
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: mpg123: update to 1.32.9
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-rapidfuzz: update to 3.10.1
David Gilman
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-click: add py313 subport
Monte Davidoff
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-msgpack: update to 1.1.0
David Gilman
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (0a66324cbdd -> 2cdb721bd5d)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/25: R-bgms: update to 0.1.4
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 02/25: R-broom.mixed: update to
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 03/25: R-correlation: update to 0.8.6
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 04/25: R-crew: update to 0.10.1
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 05/25: R-distrMod: update to 2.9.6
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 06/25: R-jose: update to 1.2.1
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 07/25: R-jqr: update to 1.3.5
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 08/25: R-kyotil: update to 2024.11-01
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 09/25: R-L1centrality: update to 0.3.0
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 10/25: R-LorenzRegression: update to 2.1.0
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 11/25: R-misty: update to 0.6.8
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 12/25: R-MLE, R-Compositional, R-Directional: update to current versions
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 13/25: R-qs: update to 0.27.2
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (2cdb721bd5d -> d23c926f85e)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 14/25: R-quantreg: update to 5.99
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 15/25: R-raster: update to 3.6-30
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 01/25: R-bamlss: update to 1.2-5
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 16/25: R-renv: update to 1.0.11
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 02/25: R-bellreg: update to
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 17/25: R-Runuran: update to 0.40
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 03/25: R-blob: update to
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 18/25: R-semhelpinghands: update to 0.1.12
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 04/25: R-brms: update to 2.22.3; brms.mmrm: update to 1.1.1
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 19/25: R-statnet.common: update to 4.10.0
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 05/25: R-coro: update to 1.1.0
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 20/25: R-targets: update to 1.8.0
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 06/25: R-csvread: update to 1.2.3
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 21/25: R-tclust: update to 2.0-5
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 07/25: R-curl: update to 6.0.0
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 22/25: R-tram: update to 1.1-2
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 08/25: R-dendextend: update to 1.18.1
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 23/25: R-unrtf, R-writexl, R-xslt: update to current versions
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 09/25: R-elhmc: update to 1.2.1
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 24/25: R-webutils: update to 1.2.2
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 10/25: R-fable: update to 0.4.1
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 25/25: R-wk: update to 0.9.4
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 11/25: R-glmertree: update to 0.2-6
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 12/25: R-hms: update to
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 13/25: R-httr2: update to 1.0.6
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 14/25: R-monad: new port
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 15/25: R-mvtnorm: update to 1.3-2
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 16/25: R-protolite: update to 2.3.1
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 17/25: R-R2jags: update to 0.8-9
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 18/25: R-rzmq: update to 0.9.14
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 19/25: R-servr: update to 0.32
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 20/25: R-smooth: update to 4.1.0
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 21/25: R-spatstat.*: update to current versions
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 22/25: R-tidyfit: update to 0.7.2
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 23/25: R-tsbox: update to 0.4.2
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 24/25: R-volesti: update to 1.1.2-8
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 25/25: R-webp: update to 1.2.1
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-cloudflare: update to 3.1.0
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: certbot, py-acme: update to 3.0.0
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: orbiton: update to 2.68.2
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: goreleaser: update to 2.4.4
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: rust-analyzer: update to 2024-11-04
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: libxml2: Fix non-ASCII element names
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: libvirt-glib: Blacklist old compilers
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: xmms2: update to 0.9.4
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: rspamd: Update to version 3.10.2
Steve Smith
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (6f1f7f49735 -> d8a3c1b7d6a)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/04: squeak: default to x11 which works
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 02/04: squeak: enable on < 10.8
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 03/04: squeak: unbreak destroot
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 04/04: squeak: non-functional: use replace args
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: osxfuse: fix build for powerpc
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (0655d1324ab -> da557bcfd6a)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/02: archivemount: Refactor indentation
- [macports-ports] 02/02: archivemount: Update to 1
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-image-exiftool, exiftool: update to version 13.02
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: magic: Update to 8.3.498
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: yt-dlp: Update to 2024.11.04
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch origin created (now c59ca1dbceb)
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch origin deleted (was c59ca1dbceb)
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: tigervnc: Update to 1.14.1
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: libvirt: Update to 10.9.0
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-libvirt: Update to 10.9.0
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: ktlint: update to 1.4.1
Aaron Madlon-Kay
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (c43e05f9822 -> 2dbc64ea4c0)
Andrey Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 01/06: py-aiobotocore: update to 2.15.2
Andrey Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 02/06: py-anyio: update to 4.6.2.post1
Andrey Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 03/06: py-aioitertools: update to 0.12.0
Andrey Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 04/06: py-starlette: update to 0.41.2
Andrey Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 05/06: py-zipp: add py313 subport
Andrey Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 06/06: py-imread: update to 0.7.6
Andrey Stromnov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py312-cloudflare: revert to 2.20.0
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-userpath: update to 1.9.2, add py313 subport
Monte Davidoff
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: gitu: Update to 0.27.0
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: uv: Update to 0.4.30
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: racket: update to 8.15
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: abiword-x11: update to 3.0.6
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: libfive: update to 20241103
Szabolcs Horvát
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (a99e6697527 -> 8b2655b8245)
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] 01/04: php: Sanity check in post-destroot not post-build
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] 02/04: gegl-devel: Fix patch failure when using gcc
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] 03/04: gegl*: Escape periods in regular expressions
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] 04/04: Multiple ports: Fix babl dependency path
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: Drop myself as maintainer and thanks for the fish! (#26457)
Kirill A. Korinsky
- [macports-ports] branch py-scipy created (now 25fa518c3bb)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/11: py-scipy: update to 1.14.1
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 02/11: py-scipy: enable tests
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 03/11: py-scipy: patch to not error out on SDK detection
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 04/11: py-pythran: add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 05/11: py-pybind11: add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 06/11: py-beniget: add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 07/11: py-gast: add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 08/11: py-ply: add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 09/11: py-pooch: add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 10/11: py-threadpoolctl: add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 11/11: py-scikit-umfpack: add py313 subport, fix dependencies
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: tor-devel: update to
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (fdbcc2ea7a7 -> 2adb5247bf2)
Andrey Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 01/05: py-prometheus_client: update to 0.21.0
Andrey Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 02/05: py-redis: update to 5.2.0
Andrey Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 03/05: py-fsspec: update to 2024.10.0
Andrey Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 04/05: py-s3fs: update to 2024.10.0
Andrey Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 05/05: py-levenshtein: update to 0.26.1
Andrey Stromnov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-importlib-metadata: update to 8.5.0
Andrey Stromnov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (4971d285e46 -> 95a68617b8d)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/03: pyright: update to 1.1.388
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 02/03: py-qtpy: update to 2.4.2
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 03/03: py-numpy: needs GCC 8.4 or above
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: fastfetch: update to 2.29.0
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: help2man: default to perl 5.38
Kurt Hindenburg
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: binwalk: 2.4.3
Zhenfu Shi
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-berkeleydb: drop py38, no longer supported
Christopher Nielsen
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: mise: Update to 2024.11.3
Austin Ziegler
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: libpixman-devel: update to 0.44.0
Christopher Nielsen
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: TeXShop: update to 5.47
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: passage: Update to 1.7.4a2
Austin Ziegler
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (83febc3c43b -> 1045584ab29)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/02: py-freezegun: update to 1.5.1, add py313 subport
Mark Mentovai
- [macports-ports] 02/02: py-dateutil: update to 2.9.0.post0, add py313 subport
Mark Mentovai
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-business-isbn-data: update to version 20241105.001
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-uri: update to version 5.31
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: mise: Update to 2024.11.4
Austin Ziegler
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (d470d4abf96 -> ba7f97d5bb9)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/02: py-hdf5plugin: update to 5.0.0
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 02/02: py-pyshp: update to 2.3.1
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (ba7f97d5bb9 -> 74cd25162fc)
Andrey Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 01/06: ade: update to 0.1.2e
Andrey Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 02/06: py-regex: update to 2024.11.6
Andrey Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 03/06: py-tqdm: update to 4.67.0
Andrey Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 04/06: py-pip: update to 24.3.1
Andrey Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 05/06: py-tatsu: update to 5.12.2
Andrey Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 06/06: py-ordered-set: add py312 and py313 subports, update homepage
Andrey Stromnov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: filebrowser: formatting
Zhenfu Shi
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-greenlet: add py313 subport
Andrey Stromnov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: R: update to 4.4.2, adjust Accelerate variant
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: neohtop: submission
Zhenfu Shi
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: neohtop: attempt to fix _clock_gettime not found
Zhenfu Shi
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: neohtop: revert previous fix
Zhenfu Shi
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: go-devel: update to 1.23.3
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: go: update to 1.23.3
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: tailscale: update to 1.76.6
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (61aa0f7f9fe -> a31eaa951bf)
Mohamed Akram
- [macports-ports] 01/02: libsidplayfp: update to 2.11.0
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 02/02: sidplayfp: update to 2.11.0
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: ghidra: update to 11.2.1
Jeffrey Crowell
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: osxutils: fix build
Mohamed Akram
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: zmap: fix /etc mtree violation
Zhenfu Shi
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-beautifulsoup4: update to 4.12.3; assume maintainership
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-legacy-support] branch master updated (f1becf1 -> 8dfd627)
Christopher Nielsen
- [macports-legacy-support] 01/09: Makefile: Fix test_clean.
Fred Wright
- [macports-legacy-support] 02/09: Add realpath_test tool.
Fred Wright
- [macports-legacy-support] 03/09: Improve test_realpath.
Fred Wright
- [macports-legacy-support] 04/09: Add convenience flag for 64-bit checks.
Fred Wright
- [macports-legacy-support] 05/09: Rewrite realpath() wrapper.
Fred Wright
- [macports-legacy-support] 06/09: Add tests for alternate realpath() versions.
Fred Wright
- [macports-legacy-support] 07/09: Fix realpath_nonext for 10.15.
Fred Wright
- [macports-legacy-support] 08/09: test_realpath: Add test for legacy compatibility entry.
Fred Wright
- [macports-legacy-support] 09/09: Fix build on 10.4 x86_64
Fred Wright
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: libenet: update to 1.3.18
Mohamed Akram
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-flexparser: update to 0.4; add py313 subport
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: enigma: update to 1.30
Mohamed Akram
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (2aca71b52f8 -> bf871420238)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/02: py-numpy: blacklist clang < 1100 to fix build on 10.14 and earlier
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 02/02: py-numpy: fix detection of macOS version for Accelerate framework
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-siphon: remove py312 subport due to incompatibility with versioneer
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: oh-my-posh: update to version 24.0.11
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-napari-console: update to 0.1.1
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (264fe5d1e37 -> 2e3a9933cfe)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/08: poetry: update to 1.8.4, drop python38 variant
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 02/08: py-cachecontrol: update to 0.14.1, drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 03/08: py-cleo: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 04/08: py-clikit: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 05/08: py-filelock: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 06/08: py-pastel: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 07/08: py-poetry-plugin-export: update to 1.8.0, drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 08/08: py-pylev: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: gh: update to 2.61.0
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: ytt: update to 0.51.0
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (e04e9437dff -> 4b93fae5636)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/47: py-python-daemon: update to 3.1.0
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 02/47: py-changelog-chug: new port, version 0.0.3
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 03/47: py-LabJackPython: update to 2.1.0
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 04/47: py-XlsxWriter: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 05/47: py-alive-progress: update to 3.2.0; drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 06/47: py-about-time: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 07/47: py-acora: update to 2.5; drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 08/47: py-acoustid: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 09/47: py-actdiag: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 10/47: py-aenum: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 11/47: py-affine: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 12/47: py-aiofiles: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 13/47: py-aioftp: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 14/47: py-aiohttp-socks: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 15/47: py-aiojobs: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 16/47: py-databases: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 17/47: py-aiomysql: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 18/47: py-aiopg: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 19/47: py-aioquic: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 20/47: py-aiosmtpd: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 21/47: py-aiosmtpd: update to 1.4.6
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 22/47: py-aiosqlite: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 23/47: py-aiosqlite: update to 0.20.0
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 24/47: py-alagitpull: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 25/47: py-alembic: drop py38 sub port
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 26/47: py-amazon.ion: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 27/47: py-analytics-python: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 28/47: py-graphene: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 29/47: py-aniso8601: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 30/47: py-ansicolor: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 31/47: py-anytree: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 32/47: py-apipkg: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 33/47: py-app-model: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 34/47: py-applaunchservices: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 35/47: py-appscript: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 36/47: py-apsw: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 37/47: py-astropy-helpers: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 38/47: py-astunparse: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 39/47: py-asyncmy: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 40/47: py-asyncpg: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 41/47: py-atomiclong: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 42/47: py-audioread: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 43/47: py-authheaders: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 44/47: py-authres: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 45/47: py-autobahn: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 46/47: py-autoflake: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 47/47: py-avro: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: jujutsu: update to 0.23.0
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (747803f308a -> d5c86054d9c)
Andrey Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 01/03: py-zipp: update to 3.20.2
Andrey Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 02/03: py-sqlalchemy: add py313 subport
Andrey Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 03/03: py-yaml: update to 6.0.2
Andrey Stromnov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-pyproject_metadata: update to 0.9.0
Andrey Stromnov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: ox: update to 0.6.10
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: dyff: update to 1.9.3
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: dufs: new port, version 0.43.0
Monson Shao
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-dulwich: build pure version on legacy systems with no rust
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-lxml: update to 5.3.0, add py313 subport
Mark Mentovai
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-flexcache: add py313 subport
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (a6ba4e57dad -> 0b423dbefba)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/10: py-olefile: add py313 subport
Mark Mentovai
- [macports-ports] 02/10: py-Pillow: add py313 subport
Mark Mentovai
- [macports-ports] 03/10: py-cbor2: update to 5.6.5, add py313 subport
Mark Mentovai
- [macports-ports] 04/10: py-smbus2: update to 0.5.0, add py313 subport, remove py38 subport
Mark Mentovai
- [macports-ports] 05/10: py-pyusb: add py313 subport
Mark Mentovai
- [macports-ports] 06/10: py-ruamel-yaml: add py313 subport
Mark Mentovai
- [macports-ports] 07/10: py-pyftdi: add py313 subport, remove py38 subport
Mark Mentovai
- [macports-ports] 08/10: py-luma.core: update to 2.4.2, add py313 subport, remove py38 subport
Mark Mentovai
- [macports-ports] 09/10: py-game: add py313 subport
Mark Mentovai
- [macports-ports] 10/10: py-luma.emulator: add py313 subport
Mark Mentovai
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-pint: update to 0.24.4
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-astropy: update to 6.1.5
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-openssl: add py313 subport
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-pylsqpack: add py313 subport
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-roman: add py313 subport
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-docutils: add py313 subport
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: cubeb: fix linking, add variants
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-zipp: add missing build dependency
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: scalapack: update to 2.2.1
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-alabaster: add py313 subport
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: libunistring: update to version 1.3
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-business-isbn-data: update to version 20241107.001
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-getopt-long-descriptive: update to version 0.115
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-babel: add py313 subport
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-imagesize: add py313 subport
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-markupsafe: add py313 subport
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-jinja2: add py313 subport
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-snowballstemmer: add py313 subport
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: jdk22: updates until September 2024 (#26488)
Nils Breunese
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: jdk22-graalvm: updates until September 2024 (#26489)
Nils Breunese
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: openjdk17-temurin: Long Term Support (#26490)
Nils Breunese
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: openjdk22-corretto: EOL (#26491)
Nils Breunese
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: openjdk22-sap: EOL (#26492)
Nils Breunese
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: openjdk8-temurin: LTS (#26493)
Nils Breunese
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: Various py-sphinxcontrib-*: add py313 subport
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: google-cloud-sdk: update to 500.0.0 (#26485)
Nils Breunese
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-sphinx: add py313 subport
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-sphinxcontrib-jquery: add py313 subport
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-sphinx_rtd_theme: add py313 subport
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-openssl: add whitespace to rerun builds
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (5a5e0ef3a30 -> d3b4e0a424e)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/02: py-backoff: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 02/02: py-filelock: revert 'drop py38 subport'
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (d3b4e0a424e -> 5a49f2f3490)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/51: py-backports: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 02/51: py-base{58,91}: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 03/51: py-beaker: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 04/51: py-beancount: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 05/51: py-beartype: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 06/51: py-behave: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 07/51: py-xhtml2pdf: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 08/51: py-arabic-reshaper: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 09/51: py-bidi: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 10/51: py-svglib: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 11/51: py-pypdf: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 12/51: py-socketio: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 13/51: py-bidict: Drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 14/51: py-bigfloat: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 15/51: py-celery: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 16/51: py-billiard: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 17/51: py-cookiecutter: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 18/51: py-binaryornot: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 19/51: py-biplist: remove port
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 20/51: py-osxmetadata: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 21/51: py-bit{array,string}: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 22/51: py-bitmath: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 23/51: py-blessings: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 24/51: py-blist: remove port
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 25/51: py-boltons: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 26/51: py-boto: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 27/51: py-bottle: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 28/51: py-bottlenose: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 29/51: py-bpylist2: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 30/51: py-bpython: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 31/51: py-wcmath: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 32/51: py-bracex: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 33/51: py-branca: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 34/51: py-sumy: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 35/51: py-breadability: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 36/51: py-breathe: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 37/51: py-bsddb3: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 38/51: py-bson: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 39/51: py-bz2file: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 40/51: py-cached-property: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 41/51: py-cachelib: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 42/51: py-cachey: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 43/51: py-catalogue: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 44/51: py-cattrs: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 45/51: py-cbor: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 46/51: py-cchardet: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 47/51: py-checkdigit: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 48/51: py-cheetah: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 49/51: py-cidrize: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 50/51: py-openstackclient: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 51/51: py-cinderclient: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: neohtop: 1.0.8
Zhenfu Shi
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-msgpack: fix build on legacy systems
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: colima: update to 0.8.0
Nils Breunese
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-numexpr: fix build on legacy systems
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (6f0d1baf909 -> d611b251f00)
Andrey Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 01/02: py-scikit-build: fix for i386 and powerpc
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 02/02: py-blosc2: fix build on legacy systems and 32-bit archs
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: snac: update to 2.62
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (48f7e38b6e1 -> cfc35777e5c)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/02: wt: update to 4.11.1
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 02/02: lms: revbump for wt
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: bpack: update to 3.2.0
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-geographiclib: add py313 subport
Mark Mentovai
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (c2e225adb06 -> 883757f06ab)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/02: py-tomli: update to 2.0.2, add py313 subport
Mark Mentovai
- [macports-ports] 02/02: py-yapf: add py313 subport
Mark Mentovai
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: pipx: add python313 variant, drop python38
Monte Davidoff
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: igraph: update to 0.10.15
Szabolcs Horvát
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: nanoflann: update to 1.6.2
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: CImg: update to 3.4.3
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: icu-devel: update to 76.1
Mohamed Akram
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: icu-devel: remove obsolete workaround
Mohamed Akram
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: icu-devel: update compiler
Mohamed Akram
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: google-cloud-sdk: update comment about Python version (#26507)
Nils Breunese
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (d4f83504656 -> e3b01027804)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/19: py-cipheycore: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 02/19: py-cipheydists: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 03/19: py-oci: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 04/19: py-circuitbreaker: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 05/19: py-ctypeslib2: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 06/19: py-clang: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 07/19: py-cli-helpers: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 08/19: py-click-didyoumean: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 09/19: py-click-plugins: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 10/19: py-click-spinner: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 11/19: py-osc-lib: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 12/19: py-cliff: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 13/19: py-cligj: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 14/19: py-cloudpickle: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 15/19: py-cloudscraper: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 16/19: py-cmd2: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 17/19: py-codecov: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 18/19: py-codetools: drop py38, add py312 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 19/19: py-cog: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-numpy: correct os.minor check
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: josm: update to 19253
Nikolay Korotkiy
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: vtk: create .dist-info folder for python variants
Jonathan Stickel
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (e1478f3c29e -> 48529a1929d)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/38: py-colander: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 02/38: py-colorcet: drop py38 subport, fix dependencies
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 03/38: py-coloredlogs: drop py3{7,8} subports
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 04/38: py-trepan3k: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 05/38: py-columnize: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 06/38: py-comet: update to 3.1.0; drop py38, add py312 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 07/38: py-comm: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 08/38: py-{commonmark, recommonmark}: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 09/38: py-config: remove port
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 10/38: py-configargparse: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 11/38: py-envisage: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 12/38: py-apptools: drop py38 suport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 13/38: py-configobj: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 14/38: py-configparser: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 15/38: py-confuse: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 16/38: py-conllu: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 17/38: py-minikanren: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 18/38: py-etuples: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 19/38: py-cons: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 20/38: py-construct: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 21/38: py-contextvars: remove port
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 22/38: py-contourpy: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 23/38: py-cookies: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 24/38: py-coolprop: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 25/38: py-couchdb: remove port
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 26/38: py-couchdbkit: remove port
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 27/38: py-country: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 28/38: py-kiwisolver: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 29/38: py-cppy: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 30/38: py-crank: remove port
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 31/38: py-crayons: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 32/38: py-crc32c: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 33/38: py-creoleparser: remove port
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 34/38: py-telethon: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 35/38: py-cryptg: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 36/38: py-csscompressor: drop py37, add py312 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 37/38: py-cssselect2: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 38/38: py-cssutils: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: asymptote: update to 2.92 (#26437)
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: libunistring: use gnulib PG to fix confdir bug
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: mlpack: update to 4.5.0
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (9c12b65deb8 -> 013fadd554b)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/20: py-csvkit: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 02/20: py-ctags: update to 1.6.0; drop py27, add py312 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 03/20: py-cubes: remove port
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 04/20: py-cucumber-tag-expressions: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 05/20: py-python-socks: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 06/20: py-curio: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 07/20: py-curl: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 08/20: py-curlish: remove port
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 09/20: py-curtsies: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 10/20: py-custom_inherit: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 11/20: py-cvxmod: remove port
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 12/20: py-cvxopt: drop py27 and py3{7,8} subports
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 13/20: py-cwcwidth: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 14/20: py-eric-ide: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 15/20: py-cx_Freeze: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 16/20: py-cycler: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 17/20: py-preshed: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 18/20: py-cymem: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 19/20: py-cymruwhois: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 20/20: py-cytoolz: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-zstd: update to 0.23.0, add py313 subport
Andrey Stromnov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-gevent: update to 24.10.3, add py313 subport
Andrey Stromnov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: lftp: update to 4.9.3; move to GitHub
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: lftp: remove unneeded patch files
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: restic: update to 0.17.3
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: scotch: update to 7.0.5
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: lima: update to 1.0.1
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: kind: update to 0.25.0
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-packaging: update to 24.2
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: ipsw: Update to 3.1.555
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: normaliz: update to 3.10.4
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: auto-multiple-choice-devel : update to version 1.6.0-git20240805161640
Joël Brogniart
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: gsettings-desktop-schemas: Use Python 3.12
Clemens Lang
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: ruff: Update to 0.7.3
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (370bcb957ee -> 81437819cf9)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/10: py-datrie: drop py38, add py312 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 02/10: py-agate-dbf: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 03/10: py-dbfread: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 04/10: py-dtt: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 05/10: py-decli: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 06/10: py-des: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 07/10: py-discogs-client: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 08/10: py-discordpy: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 09/10: py-sqlobject: update to 3.11.0; drop py38, add py312 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 10/10: py-dispatcher: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (81437819cf9 -> 4829251f726)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/02: py-levenshtein: add ninja build dependency
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 02/02: py-aubio: add upstream patch to fix build
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-matplotlib: fix for missing symbols on 10.13 and below
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-formencode: update to 2.1.0; drop py38, add py312 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: uv: Update to 0.5.1
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: enigma: remove unused dependencies
Mohamed Akram
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: libosinfo: remove unused dependencies
Mohamed Akram
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: guile-2.2: rev-bump for boehmgc change
Mohamed Akram
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: autogen: avoid unnecessary linking
Mohamed Akram
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: libenet: remove unused file
Mohamed Akram
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: libxslt: remove unused dependencies
Mohamed Akram
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-wheel: update to 0.45.0
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: lftp: fix livecheck
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (c44d3a8c94e -> a428f940f05)
Andrey Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 01/03: py-debugpy: update to 1.8.8
Andrey Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 02/03: py-distro: add py313 subport
Andrey Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 03/03: py-scikit-build: add py313 subport
Andrey Stromnov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: spral: avoid unnecessary linking
Mohamed Akram
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: xmlsec: avoid unnecessary linking
Mohamed Akram
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: xmlsec: remove unused dependencies
Mohamed Akram
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (ea35d0c94c9 -> f6642d49ccb)
Andrey Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 01/04: py-wrapt: add py313 subport
Andrey Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 02/04: py-nuitka: update to 2.4.11
Andrey Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 03/04: py-mako: update to 1.3.6
Andrey Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 04/04: py-markdown: update to 3.7
Andrey Stromnov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: xmlsec: avoid brewism
Mohamed Akram
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: libiio: avoid unnecessary linking
Mohamed Akram
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: pyxplot: avoid unnecessary linking
Mohamed Akram
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: octave-zstd 1.0.2: new port
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: oath-toolkit: update to 2.6.12
Mohamed Akram
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: wstunnel: 10.1.6
Zhenfu Shi
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: octave-zstd: fix port
Mohamed Akram
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: libgee: update to 0.20.6
Mohamed Akram
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: wv: fix build
Mohamed Akram
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: psiconv: fix license
Mohamed Akram
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: ov: update to 0.37.0
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: chezmoi: update to 2.54.0
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: ranger: update to 1.9.4
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: libepoxy: fix handling of mesa
Mohamed Akram
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: gtk3: remove unnecessary dependency on mesa
Mohamed Akram
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: libepoxy: update comment
Mohamed Akram
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: mod_security2: remove unused dependency
Mohamed Akram
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: xmlsec-1.2: avoid unnecessary linking
Mohamed Akram
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: goffice: fix dependencies
Mohamed Akram
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: abiword-x11: fix dependencies
Mohamed Akram
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-catalyst-runtime: update to version 5.90132
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-net-dns: update to version 1.48
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: postgis3: avoid unnecessary linking
Mohamed Akram
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: mise: Update to 2024.11.5
Austin Ziegler
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (c3007c330aa -> 2dca3ad20d3)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/02: symengine: update to 0.13.0
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 02/02: R-symengine: revbump for symengine update
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: neohtop: 1.0.9
Zhenfu Shi
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: the_Foundation: update to 1.9.1
Nikolay Korotkiy
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (27ffd38c48a -> d1d9c6ab12f)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/26: R-antiword: update to 1.3.4
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 02/26: R-archive: update to 1.1.10
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 03/26: R-bayesreg: update to 1.3
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 04/26: R-bitops: update to 1.0-9
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 05/26: R-bravo: update to 3.2.2
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 06/26: R-cbbinom: update to 0.2.0
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 07/26: R-cld2: update to 1.2.5; R-cld3: update to 1.6.1
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 08/26: R-cpfa: update to 1.1-6
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 09/26: R-filearray: update to 0.1.9
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 10/26: R-FSelectorRcpp: update to 0.3.13
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 11/26: R-gdtools: update to 0.4.1
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 12/26: R-ggfun: update to 0.1.7; R-yulab.utils: update to 0.1.8
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 13/26: R-glmm.hp: update to 0.1-6
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 14/26: R-GNE: update to 0.99-6
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 15/26: R-hutilscpp: update to 0.10.6
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 16/26: R-jagshelper: update to 0.4.1
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 17/26: R-knitr, R-litedown, R-rmarkdown: update to current versions
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 18/26: R-manymome: update to 0.2.4; R-Amelia: update to 1.8.3
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 19/26: R-manynet: update to 1.3.2
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 20/26: R-migraph: update to 1.4.3
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 21/26: R-NNS: update to 10.9.3
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 22/26: R-officer: update to 0.6.7
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 23/26: R-parallelly: update to 1.39.0
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 24/26: R-CausalQueries: update to 1.2.1
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 25/26: R-changepoint: update to 2.3
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 26/26: R-DescTools: update to 0.99.58
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (d1d9c6ab12f -> 7dc75bd22cf)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/06: py-identify: update to 2.6.2, add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 02/06: py-qtconsole: update to 5.6.1
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 03/06: py-treq: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 04/06: py-httpbin: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 05/06: py-openslide: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 06/06: py-mitmproxy: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: zvbi: Add x11 variant; don't use x11 otherwise
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: lang/sbcl: update to sbcl-2.4.10
Mark Evenson
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: bitcoin: update to 28.0
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: aalib: Fix build with and actually use ncurses 6.5
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (9355b6ae90b -> eeeefc818fd)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/28: R-adjclust: update to 0.6.10
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 02/28: R-apollo: update to 0.3.4
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 03/28: R-atime: update to 2024.10.5
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 04/28: R-av: update to 0.9.2
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 05/28: R-compareMCMCs: update to 0.6.0
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 06/28: R-descriptr, R-olsrr, R-xplorerr: update to current versions
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 07/28: R-fastcpd: update to 0.14.6
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 08/28: R-fmeffects: update to 0.1.4
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 09/28: R-instantiate: update to 0.2.3
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 10/28: R-LMest: update to 3.2.3
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 11/28: R-lpSolve and friends: update to current versions
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 12/28: R-mda: update to 0.5-5
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 13/28: R-mlmc: new port
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 14/28: R-msm: update to 1.8.2
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 15/28: R-PriceIndices: update to 0.2.2
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 16/28: R-quickcode: update to 1.0.2
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 17/28: R-rBeta2009: update to 1.0.1
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 18/28: R-rbibutils: update to 2.3
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 19/28: R-RMySQL: update to 0.10.29
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 20/28: R-robustmatrix: update to 0.1.3
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 21/28: R-S7: update to 0.2.0; R-waldo: update to 0.6.1
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 22/28: R-sfsmisc: update to 1.1-20
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 23/28: R-sf and friends: update to current versions
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 24/28: R-sommer: update to 4.3.6
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 25/28: R-stepR: update to 2.1-10
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 26/28: R-tesseract: update to 5.2.2
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 27/28: R-vistributions: update to 0.2.0
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 28/28: R-sts: update to 1.1
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-hatchling: update to 1.26.0
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: xar: Don't try to use e2fsprogs
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (0b408b61160 -> 351d65a2a98)
Aaron Madlon-Kay
- [macports-ports] 01/09: tree-sitter-bash: update to 0.23.2
Aaron Madlon-Kay
- [macports-ports] 02/09: tree-sitter-cpp: update to 0.23.2
Aaron Madlon-Kay
- [macports-ports] 03/09: tree-sitter-go: update to 0.23.2
Aaron Madlon-Kay
- [macports-ports] 04/09: tree-sitter-java: update to 0.23.3
Aaron Madlon-Kay
- [macports-ports] 05/09: tree-sitter-html: update to 0.23.1
Aaron Madlon-Kay
- [macports-ports] 06/09: tree-sitter-javascript: update to 0.23.1
Aaron Madlon-Kay
- [macports-ports] 07/09: tree-sitter-json: update to 0.24.7
Aaron Madlon-Kay
- [macports-ports] 08/09: tree-sitter-python: update to 0.23.3
Aaron Madlon-Kay
- [macports-ports] 09/09: tree-sitter-rust: update to 0.23.1
Aaron Madlon-Kay
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-rtree: update to 1.3.0
Andrey Stromnov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: groovy: update to 4.0.24 (#26540)
Nils Breunese
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: openssl3: use cctools only on macOS <10.7
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: sbcl: fix including pthread in 2.4.10
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: mpich: Update to 4.2.3 (#26530)
Eric A. Borisch
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: fzf: update to 0.56.1
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: deno: update to 2.0.6
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: k9s: update to 0.32.6
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: d2: update to 0.6.8
Ivan Frolov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: gnuastro: update to 0.23
Nikolay Korotkiy
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: tippecanoe: update to 2.68.0
Nikolay Korotkiy
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: trufflehog: update to 3.83.6
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-hatchling: update to 1.26.1
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: octave-tar 1.0.0: new port
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: ipsw: Update to 3.1.556
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: wine-devel, wine-staging: Update to 9.21
Dean M Greer
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: desktop-file-utils: update to 0.28
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: hyprutils: update to 0.2.4
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: GPXSee: update to 13.27
Nikolay Korotkiy
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: oxker: update to 0.8.0
Nikolay Korotkiy
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: tree-sitter-php: update to 0.23.10
Aaron Madlon-Kay
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: mise: Update to 2024.11.6
Austin Ziegler
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: c-ares: update to 1.34.3
Toby Peterson
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: lesspipe: update to 2.16
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-astropy-iers-data: update to 0.2024.
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: vtk: minor fix only for gcc builds
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: vtk: add python312 variant
Jonathan Stickel
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-mayavi: update to version 4.8.2
Jonathan Stickel
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: gegl-devel: fix build with gcc
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: oh-my-posh: update to 24.2.2
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (839c117f16d -> 0e119682ad9)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/15: rb-curses: update to 1.4.7
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 02/15: rb-erubi: update to 1.13.0
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 03/15: rb-fiddle: update to 1.1.4
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 04/15: rb-i18n: update to 1.14.6
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 05/15: rb-iconv: update to 1.1.0
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 06/15: rb-json: update to 2.8.1
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 07/15: rb-json_pure: update to 2.8.1
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 08/15: rb-net-ftp: update to 0.3.8
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 09/15: rb-net-ssh: update to 7.3.0
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 10/15: rb-path_expander: update to 1.1.3
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 11/15: rb-pkg-config: update to 1.5.7
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 12/15: rb-rice: update to 4.3.3
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 13/15: rb-stringio: update to 3.1.2
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 14/15: rb-timeout: update to 0.4.2
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 15/15: rb-unicode-display_width: update to 2.6.0
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: pidgin-otr: update to 4.0.2
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: z3: update to 4.13.3
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: libssh: update to 0.11.1
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (39617e35560 -> 19ccaa1cdf4)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/02: pari: update to 2.17.0
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 02/02: sympow: update to 2.023.7
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (19ccaa1cdf4 -> c194cf44da6)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/02: gnupg2: update to 2.4.6
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 02/02: gpgme: update to 1.24.0
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: gretl: update to 2024c
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (fbe534e9e61 -> bf819e4907e)
Andrey Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 01/02: py-pyglet: update to 2.0.18
Andrey Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 02/02: py-zipp: update to 3.21.0
Andrey Stromnov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (bf819e4907e -> 94837b11c0f)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/09: py-keystoneclient: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 02/09: py-oslo-config: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 03/09: py-oslo-utils: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 04/09: py-oslo-serialization: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 05/09: py-novaclient: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 06/09: py-oslo-i18n: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 07/09: py-debtcollector: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 08/09: py-{decoratortools, pyprotocols, ruledispatch, turbojson}: remove ports
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 09/09: py-zipp: fix build dependency
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: libomp: skip archcheck for python dep
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-sqlalchemy: re-add PY27 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: openssl3: skip archcheck for clang-11-bootstrap
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (530aea71823 -> aeea4188dba)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/03: hatch: drop python38 variant
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 02/03: py-orbited: remove port
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 03/03: py-demjson: drop py27/py38, add py39
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: pari: don't purge the disk cache
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (b049f0ae82a -> 7100a28a40a)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/13: py-scipy: update to 1.14.1
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 02/13: py-scipy: enable tests
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 03/13: py-scipy: patch to not error out on SDK detection
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 04/13: py-scipy: fix build with GCC
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 05/13: py-scipy: drop legacysupport PG, link select components
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 06/13: py-pythran: drop py38, add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 07/13: py-pybind11: add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 08/13: py-beniget: add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 09/13: py-gast: add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 10/13: py-ply: add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 11/13: py-pooch: drop py38, add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 12/13: py-threadpoolctl: add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 13/13: py-scikit-umfpack: add py313 subport, fix dependencies
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: pari: update maintainers
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: hledger-iadd: new Portfile
Ivan Frolov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: rust-analyzer: update to 2024-11-11
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: detekt-cli: Update to version 1.23.7
Marcel Bochtler
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-pyerfa: update to; add py313 subport
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-astropy: update to 6.1.6
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: libgpg-error: update to 1.51
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: fzf: update to 0.56.1
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: 1password-cli: update to 2.30.3
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (1af9d8cb3a3 -> 84147a8cfb8)
Aaron Madlon-Kay
- [macports-ports] 01/15: gradle: update to 8.11
Aaron Madlon-Kay
- [macports-ports] 02/15: premake5: update to 5.0.0-beta3
Aaron Madlon-Kay
- [macports-ports] 03/15: tree-sitter-bash: update to 0.23.3
Aaron Madlon-Kay
- [macports-ports] 04/15: tree-sitter-c-sharp: update to 0.23.1
Aaron Madlon-Kay
- [macports-ports] 05/15: tree-sitter-cpp: update to 0.23.4
Aaron Madlon-Kay
- [macports-ports] 06/15: tree-sitter-css: update to 0.23.1
Aaron Madlon-Kay
- [macports-ports] 07/15: tree-sitter-go: update to 0.23.3
Aaron Madlon-Kay
- [macports-ports] 08/15: tree-sitter-html: update to 0.23.2
Aaron Madlon-Kay
- [macports-ports] 09/15: tree-sitter-java: update to 0.23.4
Aaron Madlon-Kay
- [macports-ports] 10/15: tree-sitter-json: update to 0.24.8
Aaron Madlon-Kay
- [macports-ports] 11/15: tree-sitter-python: update to 0.23.4
Aaron Madlon-Kay
- [macports-ports] 12/15: tree-sitter-ruby: update to 0.23.1
Aaron Madlon-Kay
- [macports-ports] 13/15: tree-sitter-scala: update to 0.23.3
Aaron Madlon-Kay
- [macports-ports] 14/15: tree-sitter-tsx: update to 0.23.2
Aaron Madlon-Kay
- [macports-ports] 15/15: tree-sitter-typescript: update to 0.23.2
Aaron Madlon-Kay
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: hyperfine: update to 1.19.0
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-igraph: update to 0.11.8
Szabolcs Horvát
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-shapely: add py313 subport
Mark Mentovai
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: ast-grep: update to 0.30.0
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: argc: update to 1.21.1
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-pacal: update to 1.6.1; drop py27, add py3{9-12} subports
Andrew Fernandes
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: eza: update to 0.20.7
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: sox: Fix incompatible function pointer types
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: sox: Use libgsm port, not bundled copy
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: hwatch: update to 0.3.16
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: gql: update to 0.30.0
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: flang-19: require 10.9 or later
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (9c9b9c87d9d -> 7a401de9854)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/27: cl-str: update to 0.21
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 02/27: cl-usocket: update to 0.8.8
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 03/27: cl-fiveam: update to 1.4.3
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 04/27: cl-trivial-gray-streams: update to 20240218
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 05/27: cl-iterate: update to 1.5.4
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 06/27: cl-3bmd: update to 20240515
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 07/27: cl-colorize: update to 20241110
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 08/27: cl-esrap: update to 20240514
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 09/27: cl-flexi-streams: update to 1.0.20
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 10/27: cl-access: update to 20240307
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 11/27: cl-bordeaux-threads: update to 0.9.4
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 12/27: cl-chunga: update to 1.1.9
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 13/27: cl-containers: update to 20240624
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 14/27: cl-local-time: update to 20240817
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 15/27: cl-closer-mop: update to 20241101
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 16/27: cl-rove: update to 20240620
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 17/27: cl-parachute: update to 20241105
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 18/27: cl-float-features: update to 20240301
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 19/27: cl-cffi: update to
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 20/27: cl-who: update to 1.1.5
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 21/27: cl-hunchentoot: update to 1.3.1
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 22/27: cl-lass: update to 20241028
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 23/27: cl-static-vectors: update to 1.9.3
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 24/27: cl-djula: update to 20240711
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 25/27: cl-easy-routes: update to 20240410
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 26/27: cl-parse-number: update to 1.8
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 27/27: cl-colors2: update to 0.6.1
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: xercesc3: update to 3.3.0
Mohamed Akram
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: knot-resolver: update to 6.0.9
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-astropy: remove unneeded py-pyobjc dependency
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: gtree: update to 1.10.12
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-tomli: update to 2.1.0
Toby Peterson
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: mise: Update to 2024.11.8
Austin Ziegler
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-pypdf: add py313 subport, enable tests
Mark Mentovai
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: lms: update to 3.60.1
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-business-isbn-data: update to version 20241112.001
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-http-tiny: update to version 0.090, dependencies
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-text-csv_xs: update to version 1.57
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-tomli-w: update to 1.1.0, add python 3.13 support
Toby Peterson
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: pika: update to 0.30.0
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: unrar: update to 7.1.1
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: oxen-logging: update to 1.0.3
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: websocat: update to 1.14.0
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (c9b45a81384 -> 53404917d3f)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/02: py-{lmfit, uncertainties}: add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 02/02: py-zipp: fix circular dependency
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: logtalk: update to 3.85.0
Paulo Moura
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: tui-journal: update to 0.12.1
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: srgn: update to 0.13.4
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: ox: update to 0.7.0
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: moar: update to 1.28.2
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-hatchling: updat eto 1.26.2
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: git-town: update to 16.6.0
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: k6: update to 0.55.0
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: hugo: update to 0.138.0, add deploy variant
calvin ardi
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: k0sctl: update to 0.19.4
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: flyctl: update to 0.3.36
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: n: update to 10.1
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-hatchling: update to 1.26.3
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: ocrmypdf: update to 16.6.1
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-tomli-w: fix livecheck
Toby Peterson
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-websockets: update to 14.0, add python 3.13 support
Toby Peterson
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: diffstat: update to 1.67
Toby Peterson
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (d8a05520fa6 -> 4942bd60a20)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/15: py-contourpy: update to 1.3.1, add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 02/15: py-cycler: add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 03/15: py-kiwisolver: add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 04/15: py-parsing: add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 05/15: py-cairo: update to 1.27.0, add py313
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 06/15: py-cppy: add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 07/15: py-fontaine: drop py38, add py312 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 08/15: py-zopfli: update to 0.2.3.post1
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 09/15: py-lz4: update to 4.3.3
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 10/15: py-pyqt5: add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 11/15: py-pkgconfig: add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 12/15: py-pyqt-builder: add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 13/15: py-sip: add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 14/15: py-pyqt5-sip: add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 15/15: dbus-python: add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (4942bd60a20 -> 73c218f344d)
- [macports-ports] 01/02: py-expandvars: add python 3.13 support
Toby Peterson
- [macports-ports] 02/02: py-frozenlist: update to 1.5.0, add python 3.13 support
Toby Peterson
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-more-itertools: add python 3.13 support
Toby Peterson
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: smlnj: update to
Toby Peterson
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: sudo: update to 1.9.16p1
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-pikepdf: update to 9.4.1
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-panel: update to 1.5.4
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: octave-tar: update to 1.0.1
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: octave-zstd: update to 1.1.0
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: wget: update to 1.25.0
Chris Jones
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: xml-security-c: fix after xercesc3 update
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: google-cloud-sdk: update to 501.0.0 (#26584)
Nils Breunese
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (25e7bd072fc -> 4c69c05e282)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/02: py-sip-devel: update to 6.8.7.dev5+g8d3fd639
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 02/02: py-contourpy: pin PY39 subport to 1.3.0
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (4c69c05e282 -> e486f6c86a4)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/04: py-numpy: fix threads bug in f2py
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 02/04: py-scipy: add a missed reinplace in portfile
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 03/04: py-scipy: drop now unneeded flag from patch-extra-flags
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 04/04: py-scipy: revbump to pick changes, update refs for cmath patch
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (e486f6c86a4 -> 6575151bf9e)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/02: sigil-qt4: revbump after xercesc3 update
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 02/02: sigil-qt4: add patch for missing header
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (6575151bf9e -> 751c14f430b)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/02: postgresql_select: prepare for postgresql 17
David Gilman
- [macports-ports] 02/02: postgresql*: mark known fail on deprecated versions
David Gilman
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: xorg-libXcursor: update to 1.2.3
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (db8e8842eb9 -> ecc7657d4f4)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/02: gdal, py-gdal: update to 3.10.0, add py313 subport
Mark Mentovai
- [macports-ports] 02/02: gdal: bump dependents’ revisions for update to 3.10.0
Mark Mentovai
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: openlibm: update to 0.8.4
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: eiskaltdcpp: update to 2.4.2-github-2024.10.25
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: hledger: update to 1.40
Ivan Frolov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: cmake-devel: update to 3.31.0
Szabolcs Horvát
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: weechat: update to 4.4.3, update Python and Ruby variants
calvin ardi
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: nushell: update to 0.100.0
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (a822e1abe00 -> dc96f009460)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/03: ugrep: update to 7.0.3
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 02/03: pyright: updte to 1.1.389
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 03/03: CI: use Xcode 15.4 on macOS 14 runner
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: qd: update to 2.3.24
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-falcon: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: xercesc3: rev-bump dependents
Mohamed Akram
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: mise: Update to 2024.11.9
Austin Ziegler
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: xercesc3: add note on updating version
Mohamed Akram
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-obspy: correct select files
Peter Danecek
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-obspy: rev bump
Peter Danecek
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-pandas: update to 2.2.3
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-dbd-mysql: update to version 5.010
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-image-exiftool, exiftool: update to version 13.03
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-math-mpfr: update to version 4.31
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-object-pad: update to version 0.815
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: mdcat: update to 2.6.1
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-asdf-astropy: update to 0.7.0
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-h5netcdf: update to 1.4.1
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-orjson: update to 3.10.11, add python 3.13 support
Toby Peterson
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: fplll: update to 5.5.0
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: bitwarden-cli: Update to version 2024.10.0
Marcel Bochtler
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-httpx: update to 0.27.2
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: youtube-viewer: update to 3.11.3, add gtk variant
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (0a13beba10d -> 078beccbe7f)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/02: gobject-introspection*: minor non-functional change to portfile
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 02/02: gobject-introspection*: use legacysupport to fix malloc errors
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: gtk3*: fix broken sincos check
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: clisp: update to 2.50.0-20241112, fix legacy systems installation
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (ea1fc6688b1 -> 715aa973a58)
Andrey Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 01/02: py-sqlalchemy: fix livecheck
Andrey Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 02/02: py-smart_open: update to 7.0.5
Andrey Stromnov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: HiGHS: update to 1.8.1
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: eigen3-devel: update to 20241114
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-obspy: update dependencies, drop soft dependencies
Peter Danecek
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: obspy_select: correct select files, bump revision
Peter Danecek
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: libadwaita: update to 1.5.5
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (48917830136 -> 4236c270f54)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/02: py-owslib: remove py38 subport
Mark Mentovai
- [macports-ports] 02/02: py-pyproj: update to 3.7.0, add py313 subport, remove py38 subport
Mark Mentovai
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: helm-3.16: update to 3.16.3
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-lxml_html_clean: update to 0.4.0; drop py38, add py313 subports
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (6ff84673c4c -> f98ab536266)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/05: py-affine: add py313 subport
Mark Mentovai
- [macports-ports] 02/05: py-cligj: add py313 subport
Mark Mentovai
- [macports-ports] 03/05: py-snuggs: add py313 subport
Mark Mentovai
- [macports-ports] 04/05: py-click-plugins: add py313 subport
Mark Mentovai
- [macports-ports] 05/05: py-rasterio: update to 1.3.11, add py313 subport
Mark Mentovai
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: root6: update to 6.32.08
Chris Jones
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-cartopy: update and cleanup dependencies, bump revision
Peter Danecek
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (24bc7577e0a -> 526b2259f85)
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] 01/02: xercesc3: deprecated
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] 02/02: xercesc3: Fix _xercesc_messages_3_2_dat symbol problem
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-cartopy: update to 0.24.1
Peter Danecek
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: cartopy: update description
Peter Danecek
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-pymysql: update to 1.1.1, add subports 311 and 312
Peter Danecek
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-pytest-trio: drop py38 subport; assume maintainership
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-pytest-asyncio: dropy py38 subport
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: gh: update to 2.62.0
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-outcome: drop py38 subport
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-legacy-support] branch master updated (8dfd627 -> 42c54ff)
Christopher Nielsen
- [macports-legacy-support] 01/03: Makefile: Include ARCHFLAGS for xtests/mantests.
Fred Wright
- [macports-legacy-support] 02/03: realpath: Fix 10.6 non-POSIX version.
Fred Wright
- [macports-legacy-support] 03/03: test_realpath: Add nonexistent path case.
Fred Wright
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-test-utf8: update to version 1.03
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-asn1: add py313 subport
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-asn1-modules: add py313 subport
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-service_identity: add py313 subport; use hatch pep517_backend
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-aioquic: add py313 subport
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-dnspython: add py313 subport
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (d607535edf0 -> 0cc4950d156)
Aaron Madlon-Kay
- [macports-ports] 01/02: py-unicodedata2: add homepage
Aaron Madlon-Kay
- [macports-ports] 02/02: py-fonttools: update to 4.55.0
Aaron Madlon-Kay
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: cegui: Stop using xercesc3
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: expat: Update to 2.6.4
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: magic: Update to 8.3.499
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: certbot, py-acme: update to 3.0.1
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: php-zstd: Update to 0.14.0
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-cymruwhois: add py313 subport
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: dnsdiag: drop python38, add python313 variants
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: links: Fix X detection
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: netpbm: Update to 11.08.01
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (9546c0834be -> 037e3e16c12)
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] 01/09: a2ps: Fix pkgconfig dependency
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] 02/09: libstaroffice: Fix pkgconfig dependency
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] 03/09: R-XML: Fix pkgconfig dependency
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] 04/09: xarchiver: Fix pkgconfig dependency
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] 05/09: php-maxminddb: Update to 1.12.0
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] 06/09: virt-viewer: Fix glib2 dependency
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] 07/09: geany: Fix desktop-file-utils dependency
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] 08/09: gonepass: Fix desktop-file-utils dependency
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] 09/09: chasen-base: Fix darts-clone dependency
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: zorba: Fix build with libxml2 >= 2.12
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: zorba: Fix tests
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-lxml_html_clean: update to 0.4.1
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: libgcrypt: Avoid opportunistic use of ggrep
Clemens Lang
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (18a852724bb -> c8b89a71275)
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] 01/03: py-deprecated: update to 1.2.14, add py313 subport
Mark Mentovai
- [macports-ports] 02/03: py-pikepdf: add py313 subport, drop py38 subport
Mark Mentovai
- [macports-ports] 03/03: img2pdf: add python313 variant, remove python38 variant
Mark Mentovai
- [macports-base] branch master updated: CI: Adapt to removal of Xcode 16 from macOS 14 image
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (c8b89a71275 -> 453118736cb)
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] 01/08: evolution-data-server-gtk4: new port in gnome
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 02/08: libfeedback: new port in gnome
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 03/08: libcmatrix: new port
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 04/08: libphonenumber-cpp: update to 8.13.49
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 05/08: gnome-desktop-gtk4: new port in gnome
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 06/08: Chatty: new port, messenger for Matrix protocol
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 07/08: olm: update to 3.2.16
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 08/08: libmm-glib: new port
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: uv: Update to 0.5.2
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: ipsw: Update to 3.1.557
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: got: update to 0.105
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: snac: update to 2.63
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: edid-decode: update to version 20241012
William Alexander
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (415d89513e7 -> 75ab6f317ae)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/11: py-matplotlib: add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 02/11: py-fonttools: drop py38, add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 03/11: py-unicodedata2: drop py3{7, 8}, add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 04/11: py-pyobjc: add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 05/11: py-gobject3: add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 06/11: py-reportlab: update to 4.2.5
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 07/11: py-chardet: add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 08/11: py-sphinxcontrib-blockdiag: add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 09/11: py-blockdiag: add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 10/11: py-funcparserlib: add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 11/11: py-webcolors: add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-svgelements: add py313 subport, enable tests
Mark Mentovai
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (1816e858d56 -> eb8cd3295f0)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/02: py-flatbuffers: add py313 subport
Mark Mentovai
- [macports-ports] 02/02: py-protobuf3: add py313 subport
Mark Mentovai
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (eb8cd3295f0 -> 2e0c3a4afe3)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/02: petsc: update to 3.22.1
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 02/02: slepc: update to 3.22.1
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: abaddon: depend on mdebtls3, revbump
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: rclone: update to 1.68.2
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: caps-log: update to 1.1.0
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: fzf: update to 0.56.3
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: unrar: fix build when ccache is used
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: libcmatrix: set C standard to fix compiler choice
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: oilshell: update to 0.24.0
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: lfortran: update to 0.42.0
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: toxcore: update to 0.2.20
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: ox: update to 0.7.1
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (ec924031a83 -> 7a556d83af9)
Jeremy Lavergne
- [macports-ports] 01/02: spread-sheet-widget: update to 0.10
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 02/02: pspp-devel: update to 2.0.1-g395ff8
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: perl5.36/perl5.38: don't override deployment target closes: see:
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-setuptools: update to 75.5.0
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: mise: Update to 2024.11.13
Austin Ziegler
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: libxo: update to 1.7.5
Toby Peterson
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-websockets: update to 14.1
Toby Peterson
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-class-methodmaker: update to version 2.25
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-gssapi: update to 1.9.0, add python 3.13 support
Toby Peterson
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-requests-gssapi: update to 1.3.0, add python 3.13 support
Toby Peterson
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-peewee: update to 3.17.8
Toby Peterson
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: armadillo: update to 14.2.0
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-requests-futures: update to 1.0.2; drop py38, add py313 subports
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: aircrack-ng: Remove bad patch that broke PowerPC build
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: zorba: Stop using xercesc3
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: micronaut: update to 4.7.0 (#26636)
Nils Breunese
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: ruff: Update to 0.7.4
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: tippecanoe: update to 2.70.0
Nikolay Korotkiy
- [macports-legacy-support] branch master updated (42c54ff -> 42217f1)
Christopher Nielsen
- [macports-legacy-support] 01/12: README-CPP.txt: Remove trailing space.
Fred Wright
- [macports-legacy-support] 02/12: sysconf: Cache dlsym() result.
Fred Wright
- [macports-legacy-support] 03/12: sysconf: Speed up _SC_PHYS_PAGES.
Fred Wright
- [macports-legacy-support] 04/12: pthread_get_stacksize_np: Cache dlsym() result.
Fred Wright
- [macports-legacy-support] 05/12: test_pthread_get_stacksize_np: Fix incorrect message.
Fred Wright
- [macports-legacy-support] 06/12: Add tool to create temporary tool Makefile.
Fred Wright
- [macports-legacy-support] 07/12: Import 10.5 which.c and which.1.
Fred Wright
- [macports-legacy-support] 08/12: which.c: Fix buildability.
Fred Wright
- [macports-legacy-support] 09/12: Add tool to obtain architectures of a program.
Fred Wright
- [macports-legacy-support] 10/12: Makefile: Use C-based 'which' on Tiger.
Fred Wright
- [macports-legacy-support] 11/12: Remove obsolete replacement which.
Fred Wright
- [macports-legacy-support] 12/12: Makefile: Add install of manpage for replacement 10.4 'which'.
Fred Wright
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: viddy: update to 1.2.1
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: eza: update to 0.20.8
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: mise: Update to 2024.11.15
Austin Ziegler
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: yq: update to 4.44.5
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-imager: update to version 1.025
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: miniflux: update to 2.2.3
Nikolay Korotkiy
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: k9s: update to 0.32.7
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (5dd271c9bd2 -> 296bbe280e9)
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] 01/04: py-rich_rst: new port
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 02/04: py-textual: update to 0.85.2
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 03/04: rich-cli: new port
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 04/04: py-rich: update to 13.9.4
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: step-writer: new port in editors
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: fortran-stdlib-devel: update to 2024.11.09
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (98800f8e892 -> cadea9017af)
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] 01/29: R-inline: update to 0.3.20
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 02/29: R-BGLR: update to 1.1.3
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 03/29: R-bayesianVARs: update to 0.1.5
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 04/29: R-bbotk: update to 1.3.0
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 05/29: R-BGVAR: update to 2.5.8
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 06/29: R-cppdoubles: update to 0.3.0
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 07/29: R-curl: update to 6.0.1
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 08/29: R-fntl: update to 0.1.2
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 09/29: R-gpboost: update to 1.5.4
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 10/29: R-grf: update to 2.4.0
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 11/29: R-LaMa: update to 1.0.0
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 12/29: R-markovchain: update to 0.10.0
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 13/29: R-MatchIt: update to 4.6.0
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 14/29: R-mlpack: update to 4.5.0
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 15/29: R-openxlsx2: update to 1.11
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 16/29: R-RcppSpdlog: update to 0.0.19
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 17/29: R-sundialr: update to 0.1.5
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 18/29: R-nanonext: update to 1.3.2; R-mirai: update to 1.3.1
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 19/29: R-inferr: update to 0.3.2
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 20/29: R-dynamite: update to 1.5.5
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 21/29: R-cheapr: update to 0.9.91
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 22/29: R-rcheology: update to
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 23/29: R-Rdpack: update to 2.6.2
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 24/29: R-reticulate: update to 1.40.0
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 25/29: R-mlmc: update to 2.1.1
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 26/29: R-DRDID: update to 1.2.0
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 27/29: R-LBI: update to 0.2.1
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 28/29: R-cppcontainers: new port
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 29/29: R-semaphore: new port
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (cadea9017af -> 51e272460d2)
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] 01/04: py-trio: update to 0.27.0, fix for legacy systems
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 02/04: yewtube: new port
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 03/04: py-pylast: new port
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 04/04: youtube-search-python: new port
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: catgirl-downloader: update to 0.2.7
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: terraform-ls: update to 0.36.0
Aaron Madlon-Kay
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: jemalloc-devel: update to 2024.11.09
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: caps-log: update to 1.2.0
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: ruby-devel: update to 2024.11.16
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (2eef910ed7a -> 944aa0e1691)
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] 01/03: gajim: update to 1.9.5
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 02/03: py-nbxmpp: update to 5.0.4
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 03/03: py-precis-i18n: update to 1.1.1
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-pikepdf: update to 9.4.2; remmove redudant build dependancies
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: xmlsec: fix build with Xcode gcc
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: clifm: update to 1.21 (#26652)
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: oh-my-posh: update to version 24.5.2
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-memoize: update to version 1.17
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: turbo: update to 2024.10.23
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (36fb681bf3b -> 8315e312f5a)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/30: py-facbric: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 02/30: py-test-runner: remvove port
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 03/30: py-deprecated: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 04/30: py-eyed3: update to 0.9.7, drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 05/30: py-multiprocess: update to 0.70.17, drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 06/30: py-dispel4py-{, registry}-devel: remove ports
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 07/30: py-distorm: drop py38, add py312
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 08/30: py-rapidfuzz: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 09/30: py-scikit-build: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 10/30: py-djvubind: remove port
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 11/30: py-dkimpy: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 12/30: py-dload: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 13/30: py-fasteners: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 14/30: py-eventlet: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 15/30: py-pymongo,mongoengine}: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 16/30: py-dnspython: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 17/30: py-algopy: add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 18/30: py-applaunchservices: add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 19/30: py-asv{,-runner}: add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 20/30: py-bigfloat: add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 21/30: py-binaryornot: add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 22/30: py-cachetools: add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 23/30: py-cairocffi: add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 24/30: py-cfgv: add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 25/30: py-cftime: add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 26/30: py-colorlog: add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 27/30: py-columnize: add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 28/30: py-deprecation: add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 29/30: py-diff-match-patch: add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 30/30: py-dill: add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: qbs: Update to 2.4.2
Vitaliy Levashov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: wine-devel, wine-staging: Fix msync & revbump
Dean M Greer
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (2a2a43b3da7 -> c07f4368adb)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/09: py-coverage: update to 7.6.7
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 02/09: py-pymc: update to 5.18.1
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 03/09: py-pytensor: update to 2.26.3
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 04/09: py-whatthepatch: updaet to 1.0.7; drop py38, add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 05/09: py-python-lsp-black: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 06/09: py-pyls-spyder: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 07/09: py-python-lsp-server: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 08/09: py-yapf: update to 0.43.0; drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 09/09: ugrep: update to 7.0.4
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: openh264: new port in multimedia
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-multidict: update to 6.1.0, add python 3.13 support
Toby Peterson
- [macports-base] branch master updated: set_xcodecltversion: handle missing CLTs receipt
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: lldb-{12…19,devel}: Python is a lib dependency
Mark Mentovai
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-astropy-iers-data: update to 0.2024.
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: snac: blacklist clang < 1001
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: rust-analyzer: update to 2024-11-18
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: ydiff: update to 1.4.2
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (486353eb79d -> c6d39496290)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/02: libzita-resampler: build with NEON intrinsics on arm64, revbump
- [macports-ports] 02/02: audiowmark: revbump due to changes in libzita-resampler
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (c6d39496290 -> 5c3c9dd7166)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/07: common_lisp PG: fix picking ccl on 32-bit platforms
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 02/07: cl-ironclad: update to 0.61, fix 32-bit build
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 03/07: cl-idna: fix build on powerpc
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 04/07: cl-osicat: fix build on legacy systems
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 05/07: cl-slynk: update to 20240810
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 06/07: cl-com.inuoe.jzon: fix build on powerpc
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 07/07: common_lisp PG: add option to increase dynamic space
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-urwid: update to 2.6.16
Matthew Leather
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (d5ee4a2a9b8 -> c1551ffb22a)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/02: postgresql17: new port
David Gilman
- [macports-ports] 02/02: postgresql17-server: new port
David Gilman
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: lazarus: variants for GUI backends; allow building on powerpc
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-urwid: set supported_archs and platforms for latest version
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (606f82f4436 -> 30cda8c1221)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/29: py-docker{,pty}: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 02/29: py-dockerpy-creds: remove port
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 03/29: py-docstring-to-markdown: drop py38, add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 04/29: py-npe2: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 05/29: py-magicgui: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 06/29: py-docstring_parser: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 07/29: py-docstyle: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 08/29: py-prov: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 09/29: py-rdflib: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 10/29: py-doctest-ignore-unicode: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 11/29: py-docx: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 12/29: py-openstacksdk: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 13/29: py-dogpile-cache: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 14/29: py-dopamine-rl: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 15/29: py-parakeet: remove port
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 16/29: py-dsltools: remove port
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 17/29: py-dulwich: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 18/29: py-ecdsa: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 19/29: py-editdistance: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 20/29: py-editor: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 21/29: py-editorconfig: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 22/29: py-elastic-transport: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 23/29: py-elasticsearch{,-dsl}: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 24/29: py-empy: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 25/29: py-enchant: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 26/29: py-engineio: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 27/29: py-enrich: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 28/29: py-ipyparallel: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 29/29: py-entrypoints: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: libheif: update to 1.19.3
Christopher Nielsen
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: gegl{, -devel}: set meson.wrap_mode
Christopher Nielsen
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-mailtools: update to version 2.22
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-sql-translator: update to version 1.66
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: libheif: bump cxx_standard to 2020
Christopher Nielsen
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: gegl-devel: update objc patch with upstream info
Christopher Nielsen
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: gimp3-devel: update to 3.0 RC1 (#26510)
Pietro Gagliardi
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: libheif: use legacy-support for std::filesystem
Christopher Nielsen
- [macports-base] branch master updated: port1.0: Allow accessing clonebin in trace mode
Clemens Lang
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: mise: Update to 2024.11.16
Austin Ziegler
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: cgmnlm: update to 1.8
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-base] branch master updated: darwintrace: Don't fail on unreadable symlinks
Clemens Lang
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (a612ee6316b -> f72be784ef2)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/06: py-tinycss2: add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 02/06: py-webencodings: add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 03/06: py-pdm-backend: add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 04/06: py-tabulate: add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 05/06: py-biopython: remove incorrectly added py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 06/06: py-eyed3: fix build
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (f72be784ef2 -> 46fc5751d94)
Andrey Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 01/08: py-keras: drop maintainership
Andrey Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 02/08: py-keras_applications: drop maintainership
Andrey Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 03/08: py-keras_preprocessing: drop maintainership
Andrey Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 04/08: py-joblib: update to 1.4.2
Andrey Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 05/08: py-blosc: update to 1.11.2
Andrey Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 06/08: py-hat-trie: remove port
Andrey Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 07/08: py-networkx: update to 3.4.2
Andrey Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 08/08: py-pure_eval: update to 0.2.3
Andrey Stromnov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: swi-prolog-devel: update to 9.3.15
Jan Wielemaker
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: openjdk21-openj9: update to 21.0.5 (#26669)
Nils Breunese
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: openjdk23-openj9: update to 23.0.1 (#26670)
Nils Breunese
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (5f6ba156ff8 -> e8fb7dbe488)
Christopher Nielsen
- [macports-ports] 01/02: libheif: backport upstream fix for 1.19.3
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 02/02: libheif: enable openh264
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: openjdk17-openj9: update to 17.0.13 (#26671)
Nils Breunese
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: openjdk11-openj9: update to 11.0.25 (#26672)
Nils Breunese
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: openjdk8-openj9: update to 8u432 (#26673)
Nils Breunese
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: oh-my-posh: update to version 24.6.4
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (70aea388f39 -> 0e7155f677f)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/28: R-amap: update to 0.8-20
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 02/28: R-aRtsy: update to 1.0.0
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 03/28: R-atime: update to 2024.11.15
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 04/28: R-bgms: update to
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 05/28: R-deFit: update to 0.3.0
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 06/28: R-dgof: update to 1.5.1
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 07/28: R-fastplyr: update to 0.4.0
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 08/28: R-geostan: update to 0.8.0
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 09/28: R-hms: update to
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 10/28: R-jagstargets: update to 1.2.2
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 11/28: R-LaMa: update to 2.0.1
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 12/28: R-lfe: update to 3.1.0
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 13/28: R-lmom: update to 3.2
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 14/28: R-pillar: update to
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 15/28: R-RcppArmadillo: update to 14.2.0-1
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 16/28: R-rgl: update to 1.3.14
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 17/28: R-RMariaDB: update to 1.3.3
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 18/28: R-RoBTT: update to 1.3.1
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 19/28: R-RSQLite: update to
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 20/28: R-rstpm2: update to 1.6.6
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 21/28: R-secretbase: update to 1.0.3
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 22/28: R-sparsenet: update to 1.7
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 23/28: R-spatstat.geom: update to 3.3-4
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 24/28: R-tarchetypes: update to 0.11.0
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 25/28: R-tibble: update to
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 26/28: R-tm: update to 0.7-15; R-NLP: update to 0.3-1
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 27/28: R-tpn: update to 1.9
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 28/28: R-umx: update to 4.21.0
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (e6e9c7fd862 -> bba58a50180)
Dan Villiom Podlaski Christiansen
- [macports-ports] 01/04: hg-git: update to 1.1.4
Dan Villiom Podlaski Christiansen
- [macports-ports] 02/04: py-dulwich: update to 0.22.6
Dan Villiom Podlaski Christiansen
- [macports-ports] 03/04: hg-evolve: update to 11.1.5
Dan Villiom Podlaski Christiansen
- [macports-ports] 04/04: mercurial: update to 6.9
Dan Villiom Podlaski Christiansen
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: s2n-tls: update to 1.5.9
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: tealdeer: update to 1.7.1
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: ruplacer: update to 0.10.0
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: rush: update to 0.6.0
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: redwax-tool: update to 0.9.6
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: treefmt: update to 2.1.0
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: mactop: update to 0.2.2
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: magic_enum: update to 0.9.7
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: moar: update to 1.29.0
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: mdbook: update to 0.4.42
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: gql: update to 0.31.0
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: grype: update to 0.84.0
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: hunt: update to 3.0.0
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: hwatch: update to 0.3.18
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: postgresql17: rebase patch so that it applies successfully
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: vals: update to 0.37.8
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: ffmpeg7, ffmpeg-devel: non-functional fix for variants on powerpc
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: rio: update to 0.2.1
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: pfetch: update to 1.6.0
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: cue: update to 0.11.0
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: zellij: update to 0.41.2
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-asdf: update to 4.0.0
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: lego: update to 4.20.2
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: mise: Update to 2024.11.17
Austin Ziegler
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (8abf3b8b1ed -> 37865eb6bce)
- [macports-ports] 01/02: py-propcache: new port
Toby Peterson
- [macports-ports] 02/02: py-yarl: update to 1.17.2, add python 3.13 support
Toby Peterson
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-aiohappyeyeballs: add python 3.13 support
Toby Peterson
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-pycares: add python 3.13 support
Toby Peterson
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-aiodns: update to 3.2.0, add python 3.13 support
Toby Peterson
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (72dbd84fc32 -> c5823eed540)
- [macports-ports] 01/02: py-aiosignal: add python 3.13 support
Toby Peterson
- [macports-ports] 02/02: py-aiohttp: update to 3.11.6, add python 3.13 support
Toby Peterson
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: ht: Don't pack struct ht_tag_flags_s
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: ht, httpie-go, texlive-plain-generic: Declare conflict
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (c1bacca0dd5 -> 04822b5a5b3)
- [macports-ports] 01/02: py-audioop_lts: new port
Toby Peterson
- [macports-ports] 02/02: py-discordpy: update to 2.4.0, add python 3.13 support
Toby Peterson
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: lexbor: Update to 2.4.0
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: magic: Update to 8.3.500
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: openal-soft: Update to 1.24.0
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: openal-soft: Downgrade to 1.23.1 for macOS <= 11
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: google-cloud-sdk: update to 502.0.0 (#26682)
Nils Breunese
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: halloy: update to 2024.14
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: ocrmypdf: update to 16.6.2
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: glances: update to 4.2.1
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: kokkos-devel: update to 2024.11.11
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: qt5-qtcreator: fix build with clang16+
Golubchikov Mihail
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: asymptote: update to 2.94
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: asio: update to 1.32.0
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: superlu_dist: update to 9.1.0
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: google-java-format: update to 1.24.0
Robin Putters
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (c753f19f2aa -> 791fafda84f)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/02: libxml2: Update to 2.13.5
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] 02/02: py-libxml2: Update to 2.13.5
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: neohtop: 1.1.1
Zhenfu Shi
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: hysteria: 2.6.0
Zhenfu Shi
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: radare2: 5.9.8
Zhenfu Shi
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: iaito: 5.9.8
Zhenfu Shi
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: mise: Update to 2024.11.18
Austin Ziegler
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: uv: Update to 0.5.3
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: openscop: update to 0.9.7
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-module-scandeps: update to version 1.37
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: openh264: Don't use -Werror
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: socat: update to
Toby Peterson
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: zeek: update to 6.0.9; zeek-devel: update to 7.0.4
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (bba58a50180 -> 4ffffa94180)
Dan Villiom Podlaski Christiansen
- [macports-ports] 01/02: docker-compose-plugin: update to 2.30.3
Dan Villiom Podlaski Christiansen
- [macports-ports] 02/02: docker-buildx-plugin: update to 0.18.0
Dan Villiom Podlaski Christiansen
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: hugo: update to 0.139.0
calvin ardi
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: camlp5: update to 8.03.01
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: minizip-ng: update to 4.0.7
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-imager: fix build with Xcode gcc after update
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: chez-scheme: update to 10.1.0
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (119f4ecaeac -> 1dceeb73209)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/28: py-ephem: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 02/28: py-epsg: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 03/28: py-epsilon: remove port
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 04/28: py-erf: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 05/28: py-esridump: update to 0.13.0; drop py3{8,9}, add py312 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 06/28: py-agate-excel: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 07/28: py-openpyxl: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 08/28: py-et_xmlfile: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 09/28: py-excelrd: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 10/28: py-exifread: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 11/28: py-slackclient: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 12/28: py-expressions: remove port
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 13/28: py-extension-helpers: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 14/28: py-ezodf: remove port
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 15/28: py-pdbpp: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 16/28: py-fancycompleter: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 17/28: py-fann2: drop py38, add py312 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 18/28: py-fastapi: update to 0.115.5, add py312 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 19/28: py-fastavro: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 20/28: py-fdsnwsscripts: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 21/28: py-feedparser: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 22/28: py-ffmpy: update to 0.4.0, add py31{1, 2} subports
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 23/28: py-fickling: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 24/28: py-fido2: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 25/28: py-filechunkio: remove port
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 26/28: py-filetype: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 27/28: py-fire: update to 0.7.0
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 28/28: py-termcolor: add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-gssapi, py-requests-gssapi: remove python 3.8 support
Toby Peterson
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-orjson: remove python 3.8 support
Toby Peterson
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-hyrule: update to 0.7.0, remove python 3.8 support, add python 3.13 support
Toby Peterson
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-hy: remove python 3.8 support, add python 3.13 support
Toby Peterson
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: imager: update master_sites
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (b0e218aa8a3 -> 7269491a7fc)
Christopher Nielsen
- [macports-ports] 01/02: Install Boost CMake find scripts by default
Markus Vieth
- [macports-ports] 02/02: Bump revision
Markus Vieth
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-pyperclip: update to 1.9.0
Matthew Leather
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-aiohttp-socks: update to 0.9.1
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-asdf: fix py-importlib-metadata dependency
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (08ca469bcac -> fff1482ee63)
Aaron Madlon-Kay
- [macports-ports] 01/03: tree-sitter-php: update to 0.23.11
Aaron Madlon-Kay
- [macports-ports] 02/03: tree-sitter-c: update to 0.23.2
Aaron Madlon-Kay
- [macports-ports] 03/03: gradle: update to 8.11.1
Aaron Madlon-Kay
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: mise: Update to 2024.11.19
Austin Ziegler
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: lnav, lnav-devel: update to 0.12.3
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: just: update to 1.37.0
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: kubectl-1.29: update to 1.29.11
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: geeqie: update to 2.5
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: libcdio-paranoia: Update to 2.0.2
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: libcdio-paranoia: Fix github author name
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (bc4ff84527b -> deb7c962b1e)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/02: py-cartopy: fix distname for py39 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 02/02: py-itables: new port, version 2.2.3
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: deno: update to 2.1.0
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: kubectl-1.30: update to 1.30.7
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: kubectl-1.31: update to 1.31.3
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: riff: update to 3.3.7
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: tfmigrate: update to 0.4.0
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: cpp-peglib: update to 1.9.1
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: ngtcp2: update to 1.9.0
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-math-mpfr: update to version 4.32
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-module-corelist: update to version 5.20241120
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (a8b1be6a830 -> cb097345a79)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/27: R-bWGR: update to 2.2.12
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 02/27: R-caroline: update to 0.9.9
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 03/27: R-charlatan: update to 0.6.1
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 04/27: R-grpnet: update to 0.6
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 05/27: R-Jaya: update to 1.0.3
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 06/27: R-LaMa: update to 2.0.2
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 07/27: R-mlt: update to 1.6-1; R-mlt.docreg: update to 1.1-10
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 08/27: R-netUtils: update to 0.8.3
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 09/27: R-clue: update to 0.3-66
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 10/27: R-forsearch: update to 6.3.0
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 11/27: R-maq: update to 0.5.0
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 12/27: R-movMF: update to 0.2-9
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 13/27: R-NLP: update to 0.3-2
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 14/27: R-NMOF: update to 2.10-1
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 15/27: R-nnls: update to 1.6
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 16/27: R-oaqc: update to 2.0.0
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 17/27: R-PeakSeg*: update to current versions
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 18/27: R-penaltyLearning: update to 2024.9.3
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 19/27: R-relations: update to 0.6-14
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 20/27: R-RRBoost: update to 0.2
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 21/27: R-rsconnect: update to 1.3.3
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 22/27: R-rstudioapi: update to 0.17.1
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 23/27: R-spatstat*: update to current versions
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 24/27: R-targets: update to 1.9.0
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 25/27: R-tram: update to 1.2-0
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 26/27: R-bigD: update to 0.3.0
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 27/27: R-av: update to 0.9.3
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-awscli2: update to 2.22.1
Eric Nielsen
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (49692b31c47 -> b081d58503a)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/02: vips: update to 8.16.0
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 02/02: vipsdisp: new port, GTK-based image viewer
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (b081d58503a -> cae905de66e)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/06: gstreamer1: update to 1.24.9
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 02/06: gstreamer1-gst-libav: update to 1.24.9
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 03/06: gstreamer1-gst-plugins-bad: update to 1.24.9
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 04/06: gstreamer1-gst-plugins-base: update to 1.24.9
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 05/06: gstreamer1-gst-plugins-good: update to 1.24.9
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 06/06: gstreamer1-gst-plugins-ugly: update to 1.24.9
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: eza: update to 0.20.9
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: confluent-cli: update to 4.12.0
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: fend: update to 1.5.5
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: pika: update to 0.30.1
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: ddev: new port, version 1.23.5 (#26687)
Jacopo Lorenzetti
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: redka: new port
Nikolay Korotkiy
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: swiftlint: update to 0.57.0
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (3aff9d8bde4 -> d4f900fb4b6)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/08: mumps: revbump for scotch update
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 02/08: mmg: revbump for scotch update
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 03/08: mmg3d4: revbump for scotch update
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 04/08: mmg: set required C++ standard
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 05/08: R-rmumps: fix deps, revbump
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 06/08: strumpack: update to 8.0.0
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 07/08: hiop: enable strumpack, revbump
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 08/08: strumpack: move scotch support into mpi variant
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (d4f900fb4b6 -> 71c558ab01c)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/02: libxlsxwriter: new port
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 02/02: sc-im: update to 0.8.4
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: mise: Update to 2024.11.20
Austin Ziegler
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: yajl: avoid checksum mismatch
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: gimp3-devel: fix python shebangs; fix font dir
Christopher Nielsen
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: spring-boot-cli: update to 3.3.6 (#26698)
Nils Breunese
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: maven-completion: new port for maven3
Christopher Nielsen
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (17c41cd806e -> 98fb9dfc4cb)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/22: py-docstyle: add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 02/22: py-editorconfig: add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 03/22: py-enchant: add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 04/22: py-eric-ide: drop maintainership
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 05/22: py-etuples: add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 06/22: py-cons: add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 07/22: py-multipledispatch: drop py38, add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 08/22: py-logical-unification: drop py38, add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 09/22: py-partd: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 10/22: py-toolz: drop py38, add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 11/22: py-fastprogress: add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 12/22: py-filetype: add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 13/22: py-natsort: drop py38, add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 14/22: py-pyicu: update to 2.14
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 15/22: py-qstylizer: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 16/22: py-inflection: drop p38, add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 17/22: py-intervaltree: drop py38, add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 18/22: py-jaraco.context: drop py38, add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 19/22: py-jinja2-time: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 20/22: py-jupyter_sphinx: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 21/22: py-minikanren: add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 22/22: py-nmrglue{,-devel}: add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: spring-boot-cli: update to 3.4.0 (#26699)
Nils Breunese
- [macports-base] branch release-2.10 updated (d8c37fbc4 -> 27c005112)
Joshua Root
- [macports-base] 01/02: set_xcodecltversion: handle missing CLTs receipt
Joshua Root
- [macports-base] 02/02: darwintrace: Don't fail on unreadable symlinks
Clemens Lang
- [macports-base] branch master updated: Update ChangeLog
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-aioftp: add py313 subport
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: qemu: update to 9.1.2
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: tflint: update to 0.54.0
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-parfive: add py313 subport
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: tfsec: update to 1.28.11
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: deno: update to 2.1.1
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-async-timeout: drop py38, add py313 subport
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-curio: add py313 subport
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-python-socks: update to 2.5.3; add py313 subport
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-aiohttp-socks: add py313 subport
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-asdf-standard: add py313 subport
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-asdf-transform-schemas: add oy313 subport
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-trio-websocket: drop py38 subport
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-trio: dropy py38 subport
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-trustme: drop py38, add py313 subports
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-python-socks: force build due to missing py313-trustme
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-aiohttp-socks: force build due to missing py313-trustme
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: openldap: Reduce dependencies (#26700)
Dave Allured
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: iaito: 5.9.9
Zhenfu Shi
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: fast-float: 7.0.0
Zhenfu Shi
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: openldap: New bug fix for all OS < 22
Dave Allured
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: httping: openssl pg and dependency tweaks
Zhenfu Shi
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: uv: Update to 0.5.4
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: gleam: update to 1.6.1
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: skim: update to 0.11.0
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: qsv: update to 0.138.0
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: oauth2c: update to 1.17.0
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (5485c667e83 -> 977d488050a)
- [macports-ports] 01/02: py-yarl: update to 1.18.0
Toby Peterson
- [macports-ports] 02/02: py-aiohttp: update to 3.11.7
Toby Peterson
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (977d488050a -> e86856a9875)
Andrey Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 01/07: py-grako: remove port
Andrey Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 02/07: py-lepl: remove port
Andrey Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 03/07: py-strict-rfc3339: remove port
Andrey Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 04/07: py-llvmpy: remove port
Andrey Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 05/07: py-bleach: update to 6.2.0
Andrey Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 06/07: py-nuitka: update to 2.5.1
Andrey Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 07/07: py-hatch-requirements-txt: new port
Andrey Stromnov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: xorg-libXaw: Remove groff dependency
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: LLVM 19: Update to 19.1.4
Chris Jones
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (d1103b6c5c3 -> 06e249f837f)
Chris Jones
- [macports-ports] 01/02: libgcc11: Make pure stub port on ARM or Darwin<12
Chris Jones
- [macports-ports] 02/02: libgcc10: Make pure stub port
Chris Jones
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: nss: update to 3.107
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-astropy: update to 7.0.0; pin py310 and below to 6.1.6
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: fnm: update to 1.38.1
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: go-task: update to 3.40.0
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: git-absorb: update to 0.6.16
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: git-cliff: update to 2.7.0
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (e1df999f532 -> 66b17defdeb)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/05: py-jellyfish: provide rustless version for old systems
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 02/05: py-pyppmd: fix build on old systems
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 03/05: py-pyzstd: fix build with Xcode gcc
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 04/05: beets: do not pull in go on powerpc
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 05/05: py-py7zr: drop py38 subport; do not require pyobjc on old systems
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: skim: update to 0.11.11
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: nco: Stop using xercesc3
Remko Scharroo
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-pytest: update to 8.3.3
Matthew Leather
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-astropy: py-numpy >= 2.0.0 is not required
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-app-model: update to 0.3.1
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-base] branch release-2.10 updated: Update ChangeLog
Joshua Root
- [macports-base] branch master updated (b43912ee6 -> f17bd8e00)
Joshua Root
- [macports-base] 01/02: mportsync: rsync files to a subdir
Joshua Root
- [macports-base] 02/02: 2.10.5 release date
Joshua Root
- [macports-base] branch release-2.10 updated (2c0cb2c8c -> 685ab28af)
Joshua Root
- [macports-base] annotated tag v2.10.5 created (now 5533aec62)
Joshua Root
- [macports-base] 01/03: mportsync: rsync files to a subdir
Joshua Root
- [macports-base] 02/03: Set branch version to 2.10.5
Joshua Root
- [macports-base] 03/03: 2.10.5 release date
Joshua Root
- [macports-base] branch master updated: Set RELEASE_URL to 2.10.5
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: libgda5: update homepage, postgresql variants, build fixes
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: micronaut: update to 4.7.1 (#26711)
Nils Breunese
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: nxcomp: Rename VERSION in post-patch not pre-build
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-www] branch master updated: www: Set current release to 2.10.5
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: mise: Update to 2024.11.24
Austin Ziegler
- [] branch master updated: News post for MacPorts 2.10.5
Joshua Root
- [macports-guide] branch master updated: guide: set current version to 2.10.5
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: nxcomp: Use the right bind function
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: MacPorts port: update to 2.10.5
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: snac: update to 2.64
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: fxt: update to 2024.11.16
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (2d7a37b86a6 -> 3eebf7de783)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/03: py-readability-lxml: add py312 subport
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 02/03: offpunk: update to 2.4
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 03/03: offpunk: non-functional: description formatting
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-numpy: fix dependencies
Monson Shao
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-wheel: update to 0.45.1
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-extension-helpers: add py313 subport
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-astropy-iers-data: add py313 subport
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-cached-property: add py313 subport
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-versioneer: add py313 subport
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-pytzdata: add py313 subport
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-pandas: add py313 subport
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: ruby-completion: new port
Christopher Nielsen
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: openldap-devel: reconcile with openldap
Christopher Nielsen
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-asdf-unit-schemas: add py313 subport
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: libheif: update to 1.19.5
Christopher Nielsen
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: stc: update to latest commit
Christopher Nielsen
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: stc: move tests to variant; declare platforms any/noarch
Christopher Nielsen
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-jmespath: add py313 subport
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-asdf: add py313 subport
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-asdf-coordinates-schemas: add py313 subport
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (fdbf4442f88 -> 747354c0d53)
Christopher Nielsen
- [macports-ports] 01/03: beanshell: cleanup: eliminate tabs; add revision
Christopher Nielsen
- [macports-ports] 02/03: beanshell: add pg java; declare platforms any/noarch
Christopher Nielsen
- [macports-ports] 03/03: beanshell: update to 2.1.1
Christopher Nielsen
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-soupsieve: add py313 subport
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-html5lib: add py313 subport
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-beautifulsoup4: add py313 subport
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-bottleneck: add py313 subport
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-setuptools: update to 75.6.0
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-cloudpickle: add py313 subport
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: hugo: update to 0.139.2
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: murex: update to 6.4.0376
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: imagemagick7: Update to 7.1.1-41
Dave Allured
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: nuclei: update to 3.3.6
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: elp: upgrade to 2024-11-07
Paul Guyot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: ocaml-angstrom: upgrade to 0.16.1
Paul Guyot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-locket: added py313 subport
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-partd: added py313 subport
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-dask: added py313 subport
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: erlang: improve livecheck
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: ruff: Update to 0.8.0
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: gitlab-runner: Update to 17.5.1
Frederik van Hövell
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: python314-devel: update to 3.14.0a2
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-jplephem: add py313 subport
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: confluent-cli: update to 4.13.0
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (f2a4d8269a1 -> 0e2e2cf99e4)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/06: py-cssselect2: add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 02/06: py-defusedxml: add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 03/06: py-pytest-runner: ad py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 04/06: py-fuzzywuzzy: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 05/06: py-imdb: remove port, py-cinemagoer: new port, version 2023.05.01
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 06/06: py-cairosvg: add/fix select files
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-business-isbn-data: update to version 20241123.001
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-mojolicious: update to version 9.39
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: clojure: update to
Jan Trtík
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: armadillo: update to 14.2.1
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: apache-arrow: update to 18.0.0
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-legacy-support] branch master updated (42217f1 -> 3fc1856)
Christopher Nielsen
- [macports-legacy-support] 01/09: Makefile: Add DEBUG and OPT options.
Fred Wright
- [macports-legacy-support] 02/09: test_scandir: Add version with 64-bit inodes.
Fred Wright
- [macports-legacy-support] 03/09: test_fdopendir: Add versions with 32/64-bit inodes.
Fred Wright
- [macports-legacy-support] 04/09: test_fdopendir: Add verbose mode.
Fred Wright
- [macports-legacy-support] 05/09: test_fdopendir: Add fstatat() buffer overrun defense.
Fred Wright
- [macports-legacy-support] 06/09: Makefile: Use system tools.
Fred Wright
- [macports-legacy-support] 07/09: fdopendir: Rework to handle variants directly in source.
Fred Wright
- [macports-legacy-support] 08/09: Makefile: Rip out splitandfilterandmergemultiarch, etc.
Fred Wright
- [macports-legacy-support] 09/09: test_fdopendir: Add non-POSIX variant.
Fred Wright
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (08109915d06 -> 286389ab40e)
Christopher Nielsen
- [macports-ports] 01/02: libsoup{,-devel}: alphabetize deps
Christopher Nielsen
- [macports-ports] 02/02: libsoup-devel: update to 3.6.1; add dep gettext
Christopher Nielsen
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: libjpeg-turbo-devel: update to 3.0.4
Christopher Nielsen
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (37cf25d8a52 -> a67a5326ec0)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/61: py-flake8-pyproject: add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 02/61: py-flake8: update to 7.1.1, add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 03/61: py-codestyle: update to 2.12.1, add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 04/61: py-flake8-mccabe: add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 05/61: py-pyflakes: add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 06/61: py-isort: add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 07/61: py-flake8-pep8-naming: update to 0.14.1, update Python subports
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 08/61: py-flake8-polyfill: update Python subports
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 09/61: py-pytest-pylint: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 10/61: py-pylint: update to 3.3.1
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 11/61: py-autopep8: drop py38, add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 12/61: py-pep8: remove port
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 13/61: py-pytest-check: update to 2.4.1
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 14/61: py-myst-parser: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 15/61: py-pytest-regressions: drop py38, add py312 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 16/61: py-pytest-datadir: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 17/61: py-graphql-relay: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 18/61: py-pytest-describe: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 19/61: py-pytest-profiling: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 20/61: py-pytest-virtualenv: update to 1.8.0
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 21/61: py-pytest-fixture-config: update to 1.8.0
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 22/61: py-pytest-flake8: update to 1.3.0
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 23/61: py-pytest-forked: update to 1.6.0
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 24/61: py-pytest-html: update to 4.1.1
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 25/61: py-pytest-metadata: update to 3.1.1
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 26/61: py-pytest-json-report: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 27/61: py-pytest-lazy-fixture: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 28/61: py-pytest-mypy: drop py38 subport, switch to PyPI
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 29/61: py-pytest-pycodestyle: update to 2.4.1
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 30/61: py-qtawesome: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 31/61: py-qdarkstyle: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 32/61: py-superqt: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 33/61: py-qtpy: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 34/61: py-pytest-qt: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 35/61: py-pytest-random-order: update to 1.1.1
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 36/61: py-pytest-remotedata: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 37/61: py-pytest-shutil: update to 1.8.0
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 38/61: py-pytest-subtests: update to 0.13.1
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 39/61: py-rstcheck{,-core}: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 40/61: py-typer: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 41/61: py-pytest-sugar: update to 1.0.0, drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 42/61: py-pytesting-utils: remove port
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 43/61: py-autoflake: update to 2.3.1, add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 44/61: py-json5: update to 0.9.29, add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 45/61: py-astroid: update to 3.3.5; drop py38, add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 46/61: py-setuptools-git: add py31{2,3} subports
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 47/61: py-pytest-datadir: add py31{2,3} subports
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 48/61: py-contextlib2: add py31{2,3} subports
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 49/61: py-path: add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 50/61: py-setuptools_scm_git_archive: update to 1.4.1
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 51/61: py-nodeenv: add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 52/61: py-openbabel: add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 53/61: py-pdbecif: add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 54/61: py-peakutils: add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 55/61: py-pkce: add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 56/61: py-poyo: drop py38, add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 57/61: ugrep: update to 7.1.0
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 58/61: py-coverage: update to 7.6.8
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 59/61: py-pymc: update to 5.18.2
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 60/61: py-qstylizer: update to 0.2.4
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 61/61: libcifpp: update to 7.0.8
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-botocore: add py313 subport
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-aiobotocore: add py313 subport
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-s3fs: add py313 subport
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: mdcat: update to 2.7.0
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: lego: update to 4.20.4
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: oh-my-posh: update to version 24.8.0
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: jql: update to 8.0.1
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: croc: update to 10.1.0
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: skim: update to 0.12.0
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: trufflehog: update to 3.84.1
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: rogue: solve build error on Sequoia
Daekyu Lee
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: cpr: update to 1.11.1
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (96341fd82cd -> c529f12664c)
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] 01/02: forgex: new port in fortran
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 02/02: forgex-cli: new port in fortran
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: midgard2-core: update to version 12.09.1
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: midgard2-core: Add autoconf/automake/libtool deps
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: glom: update postgresql variants to match libgda5, rebuild
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: rogue: increase revision number and correct wrong patch
Daekyu Lee
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-astropy-iers-data: update to 0.2024.
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: apache-arrow: update to 18.1.0
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-obspy: add py313 subport
Peter Danecek
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-pytest-json-report: add py313 subport
Peter Danecek
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: ecCodes: update to 2.39.0
Remko Scharroo
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: bun: update to 1.1.36
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: R-arrow: revbump after apache-arrow update
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (316585d19f5 -> 9d4d7418c11)
Aaron Madlon-Kay
- [macports-ports] 01/03: GrandPerspective: update to 3.5.0
Aaron Madlon-Kay
- [macports-ports] 02/03: tree-sitter-rust: update to 0.23.2
Aaron Madlon-Kay
- [macports-ports] 03/03: tree-sitter-go: update to 0.23.4
Aaron Madlon-Kay
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (9d4d7418c11 -> 77234ecc0fb)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/28: R-aods3: update to 0.5
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 02/28: R-arkhe: update to 1.8.0
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 03/28: R-bayesammi: update to 0.3.0
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 04/28: R-brms: update to 2.22.6
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 05/28: R-cards: update to 0.3.0
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 06/28: R-chisquare: update to 1.1.1
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 07/28: R-collapse: update to 2.0.18
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 08/28: R-dint: update to 2.1.5
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 09/28: R-dm: update to
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 10/28: R-exampletestr: update to 1.7.3
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 11/28: R-explore: update to 1.3.3
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 12/28: R-gt: update to 0.11.1; R-gtsummary: update to 2.0.3
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 13/28: R-hms: update to
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 14/28: R-LTFHPlus: update to 2.1.2
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 15/28: R-lzstring: update to 0.1.3
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 16/28: R-maditr: update to 0.8.5
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 17/28: R-mockr: update to
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 18/28: R-multilevelcoda: update to 1.3.1
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 19/28: R-networkDynamic: update to 0.11.5
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 20/28: R-pillar: update to
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 21/28: R-polylabelr: update to 0.3.0
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 22/28: R-qpdf: update to 1.3.4
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 23/28: R-qs2: update to 0.1.2
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 24/28: R-RBesT: update to 1.7-4
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 25/28: R-sleev: update to 1.0.5
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 26/28: R-smacof: update to 2.1-7
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 27/28: R-tibble: update to
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 28/28: R-WeightedCluster: update to 1.8-0
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: eigen3-devel: update to 20241122
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: git-devel: update to 2.47.1
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: rust-analyzer: update to 2024-11-25
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: skim: update to 0.13.0
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: pnpm: update to 9.14.2
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: edid-decode: update to version 20241119
William Alexander
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: qgis3: update to 3.40.1
Nicklas Larsson
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: git: update to 2.47.1
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: orbiton: update to 2.68.3
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: sq: update to 0.48.4
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: sqlite3: update to 3.47.1
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: diffr: update to 0.1.5
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (e3711d15be5 -> 117f806015b)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/23: py-flit: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 02/23: py-flufl.{bounce, il8n, lock}: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 03/23: py-formbuild: remove port
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 04/23: py-soappy: remove port
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 05/23: py-fpconst: remove port
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 06/23: py-freebase: remove port
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 07/23: py-freetype: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 08/23: py-frozendict: update to 2.4.6; drop py38, add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 09/23: py-ftfy: update to 6.3.1, switch to PyPI
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 10/23: py-fugashi: update to 1.4.0; drop py38, add py31{2,3} subports
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 11/23: py-ipadic: drop py38, add py31{0-3} subports
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 12/23: py-funcsigs: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 13/23: py-fusepy: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 14/23: py-beniget: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 15/23: py-gast: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 16/23: py-gchartwrapper: remove port
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 17/23: py-gcn: update to 1.1.3; drop py37, add py312 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 18/23: py-geocoder: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 19/23: py-geopy: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 20/23: py-geographiclib: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 21/23: py-geohash: remove port
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 22/23: py-geojson: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 23/23: py-gd: remove port
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: ipsw: Update to 3.1.558
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (1b426811149 -> d0a57fc2437)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/02: xorg-libXt: update to 1.3.1
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 02/02: xorg-libXt: do not generate docs opportunistically, use a variant
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: xorg-libFS: update to 1.0.10
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (c943383d16a -> 1d0ac90f959)
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] 01/05: gopass: update to 1.15.15
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] 02/05: gopass-summon-provider: update to 1.15.15
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] 03/05: gopass-jsonapi: update to 1.15.15
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] 04/05: gopass-hibp: update to 1.15.15
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] 05/05: git-credential-gopass: update to 1.15.15
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (1d0ac90f959 -> 2a1326b16c8)
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] 01/02: http_ping: Refactor indentation
- [macports-ports] 02/02: http_ping: Update to 20160309
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (2a1326b16c8 -> 6f247948cff)
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] 01/04: maddy-parser: new port
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 02/04: blueprint-compiler: new port in gnome
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 03/04: parabolic: new port in net
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 04/04: libnick: new port in devel
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (6f247948cff -> 08903af8b52)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/02: muscle: update to 5.3
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 02/02: py-identify: updsate to 2.6.3
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: rio: update to 0.2.2
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: libepc: mark deprecated, drop maintainership
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: anjuta: mark deprecated, drop maintainership
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: libomp: update to 19.1.4
Chris Jones
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-pycares: update to 4.5.0
Toby Peterson
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-aiodns, py-aiohttp: remove python 3.8 support
Toby Peterson
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-fdsnwsscripts: fix python 3.11 compatibility, add py313 subport
Peter Danecek
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: sudo: update to 1.9.16p2
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: kops: update to 1.30.2
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: jc: update to 1.25.4
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: flyctl: update to 0.3.41
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: parallel: update to 20241122
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: moar: update to 1.30.0
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: goawk: update to 1.29.1
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: wget2: update to 2.2.0
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: gleam: update to 1.6.2
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: kegworks: new port
Dean M Greer
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: xmms2: update to 0.9.5
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: ncmpcpp: update to 0.10.1
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: hlint: Bugfix, remove --allow-newer dependencies
Steve Smith
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (bacd5a9fb13 -> 089f535907d)
Kurt Hindenburg
- [macports-ports] 01/02: Revert "help2man: default to perl 5.38"
Kurt Hindenburg
- [macports-ports] 02/02: help2man: bump revison
Kurt Hindenburg
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-acor: add py312, py313 subports
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: ffmpeg{, -devel}: add pixeldensity feature for retina displays (#26520)
gagan sidhu
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: k3d: update to 5.7.5
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: kubeseal: update to 0.27.2
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: mdbook: update to 0.4.43
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-cog: update to 3.4.1
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: nginx-devel: update to 1.27.3
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-legacy-support] branch master updated: Fix table syntax in
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-legacy-support] branch master updated: Fix wording in
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-image-info: update to version 1.45
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-io-socket-ip: update to version 0.43, dependencies
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-dancer2: update to version 1.1.2, dependencies
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-metacpan-client: update to version 2.033000
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-xs-parse-keyword: update to version 0.47
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-object-pad: update to version 0.816
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (2d8371affd9 -> 183f3781432)
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] 01/02: sgrep: Refactor indentation
- [macports-ports] 02/02: sgrep: Update to 1.94a
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: epic5: update to 3.0.1, drop maintainership
Toby Peterson
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: mise: Update to 2024.11.30
Austin Ziegler
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: ast-grep: update to 0.30.1
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: yt-dlp: Update to 2024.11.18
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: libid3tag: update to 0.16.3
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: libmad: update to 0.16.4
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: ngtcp2: update to 1.9.1
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: lf: Update to 33
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-image-exiftool, exiftool: update to version 13.04
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: xmlto: Fix build in trace mode
Clemens Lang
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: packwiz: Update to 20241014
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: bun: Update to 1.1.37
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: imlib2: update to 1.12.3
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: vtk: update to 9.4.0
Dave Allured
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: mercurial: fix build with gcc
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-biopython: fix build on old systems
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-bigfloat: fix build with new pythons on old systems
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (5af5dd27e7d -> de5ebc2a855)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/02: podman: Update to 5.3.1
Felix Dreissig
- [macports-ports] 02/02: podman: Fix checksums for pre-Monterey version
Felix Dreissig
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (de5ebc2a855 -> af04b4aba08)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/02: netselect: Refactor indentation
- [macports-ports] 02/02: netselect: Update to 0.4
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: unac: Include patches to fix build
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (65bd916c9ec -> bdccc671b34)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/05: py-gsecrets: new port
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 02/05: py-google-cloud-core: new port
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 03/05: py-google-cloud-storage: new port
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 04/05: py-google-crc32c: new port
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 05/05: py-google-resumable-media: new port
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (bdccc671b34 -> b2e320a1bfe)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/02: py-marshmallow: new port
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 02/02: py-webargs: new port
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (b2e320a1bfe -> 14f3dcba3ba)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/02: py-clikit, py-pastel, py-pylev: support modern pythons
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 02/02: py-clikit, py-pastel, py-pylev: set to nomaintainer
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-coloredlogs: update to 15.0.1; py-humanfriendly: update to 10.0
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: rsgain: update to 3.5.3
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: libopus: update to 1.5.2
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: postgresql96: Bugfix, Make PostgreSQL work with newer libxml2
Steve Smith
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: timescaledb: update to 2.17.2
Monson Shao
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-fido2: update to 1.2.0
Aaron Madlon-Kay
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-pysimdjson: new port
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: oh-my-posh: update to version 24.10.1
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: terraform: new subport for Terraform 1.10
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: hdf5: fix non-MPI build on libstdc++ systems
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: Gyoto: allow co-installation of py*-gyoto subports
Thibaut Paumard
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-obspy: update to 1.4.1, drop py39 subport
Peter Danecek
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: ffmpeg-devel: update to 7.1 to match ffmpeg7
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: ffmpeg-devel: fix compilation for OS X 10.7 through 10.12
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-hdfs: Add py310 py311 py312 py313 subports
Peter Danecek
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (5ab5b463016 -> a0cf0c6e848)
- [macports-ports] 01/03: py-prettytable: add py313 subport
Peter Danecek
- [macports-ports] 02/03: py-sqlparse: add py313 subport
Peter Danecek
- [macports-ports] 03/03: py-pymysql: add py313 subport
Peter Danecek
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-pyshp: add py313 subport
Peter Danecek
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (3aa398b7155 -> 911f590ec62)
- [macports-ports] 01/02: py-owslib: add py313 subport
Peter Danecek
- [macports-ports] 02/02: py-cartopy: add py313 subport
Peter Danecek
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: blake3: update to 1.5.5
Sriranga Veeraraghavan
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: fheroes2: update to 1.1.4
Oleg Derevenetz
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-mail-message: update to version 3.016
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: Revert "sgrep: Update to 1.94a"
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: gh: update to 2.63.0
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: em: new port in editors (#26790)
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: snac: update to 2.65
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-finance-quote: update to version 1.64, dependencies
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: R-app: update to 1.81
Zhenfu Shi
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: qBittorrent: 5.0.2
Zhenfu Shi
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: R-app: delete unused patch
Zhenfu Shi
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: iproute2mac: python313 variant
Zhenfu Shi
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: pdfgrep: Update to 2.2.0
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: bash-completion: update to 2.15.0
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: zmap: 4.3.0, fix --version command
Zhenfu Shi
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: zmap: remove redundant configure arg
Zhenfu Shi
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: zmap: fix patched file name
Zhenfu Shi
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: cpp-argparse-dev: update to v1.9.5
Golubchikov Mihail
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: uxn: update to 20241127
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: tcsh: update to 6.24.14
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: sox: revbump for libmad update
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (3a973418da4 -> e45ba133639)
Christopher Nielsen
- [macports-ports] 01/03: openldap{, -devel}: cleanup: remove multibyte chars in comments
Christopher Nielsen
- [macports-ports] 02/03: libheif: alphabetize deps; cleanup
Christopher Nielsen
- [macports-ports] 03/03: libheif: don't build examples/tests by default
Christopher Nielsen
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: openldap-devel: update to 2.6.9
Christopher Nielsen
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: openldap: update to 2.6.9
Christopher Nielsen
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-construct: update to 2.10.70
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: avidemux: revbump for libmad update
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-parent: update to version 0.243
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: PR template: remove --nitpick from lint question
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: rb-nokogiri: update to 1.16.7
Zhenfu Shi
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (d629a5e64bb -> b384fc0a6aa)
Zhenfu Shi
- [macports-ports] 01/03: rb-kramdown: enable ruby 3.3
Zhenfu Shi
- [macports-ports] 02/03: rb-mustache: enable ruby 3.3
Zhenfu Shi
- [macports-ports] 03/03: rb-ronn-ng: enable ruby 3.3
Zhenfu Shi
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: mtools: Update to 4.0.46
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: bmake: Update to 20241124
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: bind9: Suppress strchr implicit func decl warning (#26816)
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-maturin: update to 1.7.6
Toby Peterson
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: got: update to 0.106
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: easytag: revbump for libid3tag update
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: toxic: update to 0.16.0
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (2e44d14b1a1 -> 32479af91f1)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/06: py-pykeepass: new port
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 02/06: py-validators: update to 0.34.0
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 03/06: py-yubico: new port
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 04/06: py-zxcvbn: new port
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 05/06: secrets: new port in gnome
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 06/06: py-kcs11: update to 1.5.17
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: rebels-in-the-sky: new port
Austin Ziegler
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: gmt5, gmt6: deprecate gmt5, fix sighandler and cmake
Remko Scharroo
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: tree: update to 2.2.0
Monson Shao
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: pango-devel: update to 1.55.0
Christopher Nielsen
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: ffmpeg7: fix compilation for OS X 10.7 through 10.12
Erik Bråthen Solem
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: pango-devel: relax clang strictness
Christopher Nielsen
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: root6: update to 6-34-00
Chris Jones
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: LyX: remove Qt variants; fix Qt4/5; simplify portfile (#26462)
Kurt Hindenburg
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: pango: reconcile with pango-devel; update to 1.55.0 (#26820)
Lukas Oberhuber
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: gegl-devel: fix build error for HAVE_UNISTD_H
Christopher Nielsen
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: gegl-devel: add gcc patch from gegl
Christopher Nielsen
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: gegl: add gcc patch from gegl-devel; update to 0.4.50
Christopher Nielsen
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: uv: Update to 0.5.5
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: xmms2: revbump for libmad update
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (11a73c6ad68 -> 1639e4bf435)
Vadym-Valdis Yudaiev
- [macports-ports] 01/02: libstrophe: update to 0.13.1
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 02/02: profanity: update to 0.14.0
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: git-lfs: 3.6.0, switch to ruby 3.3
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: mise: Update to 2024.11.36
Austin Ziegler
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: gimp3-devel: switch to gegl
Christopher Nielsen
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: libheif: add fallback for 10.5 and earlier
Christopher Nielsen
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-tomli: update to 2.2.1
Toby Peterson
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: gcc9: use no-pie patch on systems < 10.6
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-aiohttp: update to 3.11.8
Toby Peterson
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: libjxl: update to 0.11.1
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: libgcc10: don't run reinplace on a stub port
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (505fe6ac867 -> f9b6edc8755)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/03: shell-fm: revbump for libmad
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 02/03: mt-daapd: revbump for libmad
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 03/03: daapd: revbump for libmad
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: libgcc11: don't run reinplace on a stub port
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: libgcc8: allow stub to install on all older systems
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: libgcc11: allow stub to install on all required systems
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: grpcurl: update to 1.9.2
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: deno: update to 2.1.2
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: hugo: update to 0.139.3
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: eza: update to 0.20.10
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: jaq: update to 2.0.0
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: sq: add icu as dependency
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: kalc: update to 1.4.0
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: oxipng: update to 9.1.3
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: proxy-audio-device: Update to 1.0.7
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-dist-zilla-plugin-makemaker-fallback: update to version 0.033
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: librttopo: Avoid checksum mismatch
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: am-utils: Disable parallel build
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: am-utils: Update homepage, master_sites, livecheck
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: llama.cpp: submission
Zhenfu Shi
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-xml-parser: Don't use -rpath when targeting < 10.5
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: micropython: 1.24.1
Zhenfu Shi
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: boost178: make py312 default
Christopher Nielsen
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: symfony-cli: update to 5.10.5
Antal Áron
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: cava: update to 0.10.3
Mohamed Akram
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: lensfun: use py312
Christopher Nielsen
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: gegl, gegl-devel: drop redundant patch that fails to apply
Sergey Fedorov
Last message date:
Sat Nov 30 19:18:47 UTC 2024
Archived on: Sat Nov 30 19:19:00 UTC 2024
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).