Commit changes for a ticket

Bryan Blackburn 0x62_0x6c_0x62 at
Wed Dec 13 23:36:21 PST 2006

On Dec 13, 2006, at 8:33 AM, Daniel J. Luke wrote:

> On Dec 9, 2006, at 3:47 AM, Bryan Blackburn wrote:
>> Back in the bugzilla days, one would reassign a bug to the -bugs  
>> address to signify that a committer was needed to apply a patch.   
>> With trac, I'm not sure what the new system is, other than to say  
>> something here.  Is that the current procedure?
> I guess so.
> Our trac setup still doesn't send out email (which makes it  
> annoyingly difficult to deal with).

It seems to work in at least some situations, as that's how I found  
out about this bug when it was Cc'd to me...

> Can anyone from portmgr comment on the status of getting that  
> working (or if I should just give up hope? :) ).
>> The ticket is 11069 (< 
>> ticket/11069>) for the md5deep port.
> I've committed this.


> You should consider applying for the commit bit so you can commit  
> updates to your ports yourself.

I didn't on the OD->forge switchover since I've dropped my port count  
to a whopping eleven and haven't had the time for MP like I once  
did.  Though it does seem of late I'm not the only one...


> --
> Daniel J. Luke
> +========================================================+
> | *---------------- dluke at ----------------* |
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