X11prefix ignored?

Juan Manuel Palacios jmpp at macports.org
Tue Feb 20 07:33:32 PST 2007

	Hello again guys! In looking into completing some of our documentation 
(Cf. "Undocumented ports.conf options" thread) I ran into the dportinit 
proc in base/src/darwinports1.0/darwinports.tcl and noticed that the 
x11prefix option is not initialized in it. And for that matter, neither 
is ${prefix}, but I know that one is autoconfiscated. Looking further I 
found and old ticket, 
http://trac.macports.org/projects/macports/ticket/3073, claiming that 
setting x11prefix in ports.conf indeed does not work. Is x11prefix 
autoconfiscated too? Does that preclude setting those variables as 
customizable options in ports.conf? I can easily see how dangerous 
tweaking ${prefix} once MP is already installed can be, I see that 
variable as an "adjust once only" one (therefore autoconfiscated) and 
as such I'm thinking we should even remove it from ports.conf... unless 
something needs to read it off that file at runtime. What gives?

1) Can/should we remove prefix from ports.conf?
2) Can/should we make x11prefix customizable from ports.conf?
3) In case the answer to the latter is "don't touch it, 
autoconfiscation takes care of it and it shouldn't be tweaked 
thereafter!", then question 1) applies to x11prefix as well.

	Anyone care to comment? Sorry for cc'ing you explicitly Landon, please 
don't write that filtering rule to send my messages directly to the 
trash ;-)

	Thanks for the help!


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