email address anti-spam encoding in portfiles

Ian Eiloart iane at
Fri May 18 04:39:31 PDT 2007

--On 17 May 2007 21:11:03 -0700 James Berry <jberry at> wrote:

> As Ian pointed out, / isn't really good as it's a valid atext character
> from rfc 2822. So what if we head back to Salvatore's suggestion of:

Actually, you could use any character that isn't valid in an email domain, 
as long as you aren't munging the domain at all, but it's likely to be 
easier to implement with a colon.


yes, but it'd better be "sussex"!

> That's more readable, and unlikely to be recognized by the spambots.

Ian Eiloart
IT Services, University of Sussex

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