New website done!

Juan Manuel Palacios jmpp at
Thu Nov 22 10:08:54 PST 2007 .... I am most glad to say,  
finally done!

	I am quite happy with how it turned out, but I am aware it could,  
both, see many improvements to what's there now (it feels a tad toooo  
wordy in some places, for instance) and, also, general improvements  
going forward (flow redesign, reworked sections, new ones, yanked  
ones, integration with James' mpwa, whatever...).

	But in any case that's what we have for now and what I'll be rolling  
live along our 1.6.0 release. Once again I tell you, review and  
feedback are most welcomed so don't be shy to speak up if you have  
anything to say, but at this point in the game I'm afraid I will not  
be able to make any structural changes for the time being (for one, my  
current share of spare time is running out).

	So, overall, enjoy our new project website! Thanks to all those who  
participated and provided feedback and help, specially to Chris for  
providing the basic structural design, artwork and CSS, much  



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