32937] trunk/dports/gnome/evince/Portfile

Guido Soranzio guido.soranzio at gmail.com
Thu Jan 17 00:28:54 PST 2008

Randall Wood wrote:
 > You might want to note that for the GNOME project, packages
 > with a version x.y.z where y is an odd number are normally
 > considered unstable, not fit for daily use.

When I submitted the patch to make djvulibre compile again
by adding the -dylib_file option to the linker (as recently
suggested by Apple QA1567 for all the programs using OpenGL),
I noticed that in evince 2.11.1 the support for this format
is active by default and it was very simple to add a "djvu"
variant by simply requiring the presence of djvulibre in the

I am not having the problem in compiling evince as reported

by other users and, yes, I know that the Gnome 2.(2*n)+1.z

releases are in preparation for the upcoming 2.2*(n+1).0 stable

release but, looking at the changelog of evince, it seemed

that their release process is quite different from the

rest of the Gnome libraries and that a lot of bugs were


There are more, much more serious problems in Gnome at
the moment: until my latest patches to PyGTK, I couldn't
even compile it under Leopard and running it is still a
painful experience. I am noticing small improvements with
every new release candidate that the Xquartz team is lately
releasing but many broken things are still to be restored.

Thanks to my workaround to another issue regarding missing
symbols, now I am able to run Nautilus for the fist time.
Gnome-control-center, which was providing the Nautilus extensions
with the missing symbols, is still far from be working correctly
in Leopard and probably will never be.

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