Splitting the guide

Rainer Müller raimue at macports.org
Wed Mar 5 09:42:19 PST 2008

Simon Ruderich wrote:
> This shouldn't be a problem. I already modified my local Makefile for the
> documentation generation. The question is how we should provide these two
> versions (maybe also a third: a downloadable version of the guide). Maybe
> http://guide.macports.org/ should display a selection so the user can choose a
> version.

A selection page would be good, yes.

> I don't know enough about the server structure. Juan, or anybody who knows
> this. What's the best way to add this selection (or something similar) and
> what changes needs the Makefile?

I think currently the guide/html/ directory is made available on 
http://guide.macports.org. I am CC'ing Bill to confirm that :-)

So we could add like
  * guide/html/one-page/
  * guide/html/multipage/
With guide/html/index.html being some static selection page.


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