Where are we with simultaneous Python Framework installs

Thomas Reifferscheid reiffert at macports.org
Wed May 14 22:54:11 PDT 2008

Rainer Müller wrote:


> But it turned out that this will cause more problems than we gain.
> There are other ports around using the python25 port group which are 
> not  modules for python25, e.g. mercurial. So with this change, the hg 
> binary will land at
>   ${prefix}/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/bin/hg
> which is absolutely not what we want.


> ${framewdir}/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/bin/$foo
>     -> ${prefix}/bin/$foo

Dear Rainer,

I do not understand the "..is absolutely not what we want"-part of your 
Regarding the symlink you posted, the binary in your example will appear
as $prefix/bin/hg. Why is that considered "bad" or "no go"?

Regarding my time: University got my attention for the next 24 months,
finishing it off.

Kind regards

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