X11 in Macports

Joshua Root jmr at macports.org
Sun Nov 23 03:32:35 PST 2008

Jeremy Huddleston wrote:
> On Nov 22, 2008, at 23:13, Joshua Root wrote:
>> It doesn't matter so much what they depend on, as long as that port has
>> a check like that currently in XFree86 (since we really want people to
>> use Apple's binary X11 on Mac OS X). So the depended-on port will only
>> be installed on other platforms, in which case I think xorg-libX11 is
>> fine. Hopefully users on non-Mac platforms will know that they also need
>> an X server somewhere.
> Well the x server itself can be xorg-server... but there's no real
> reason that we *need* an X server... we just need to worry about the
> client side deps and the user can run it on whatever server they want
> (they can use Exceed on windows for all we care)

I was thinking of the case where a newbie doesn't have an X server,
installs GIMP or something, and complains that it won't run.

>>>> 3) The old monolith xorg and XFree86
>>>> I'd like to eventually punt these in favor of having just one X11
>>>> solution in Macports based on the latest release.
>> A port that installed XQuartz (or the appropriate Apple X11 package on
>> older OSes) would be nice, actually.
> I wasn't really talking about installing the binary Apple package... I'm
> talking about building it from source from Macports if the user desires
> to use it instead of the one on their system...

Ah, yeah, that would be nice too. :-)

- Josh

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