libzdb help!

Toby Peterson toby at
Mon Feb 9 22:28:38 PST 2009

On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 7:12 PM, Bradley Giesbrecht <brad at> wrote:
> I am familiar with -d. Been running it all day.
> I have tried to find a way to influance the configure script without
> patching but I gave up and patched it.
> # port configure // fails
> # cd work/libzdb-2.3/ && ./configure --prefix=/opt/local // works
> As far as I know --prefix typically influences the install dir and not the
> finding of libs or includes.
> But I'm not a strong unix admin.
> Just try the scripts I attached. Takes about a minute or two to add them to
> a local repo.
> I have the scripts dumbed down on purpose. Running ./configure with no args
> (or with prefix=/opt/local if you prefer) from ${worksrcdir} or what ever
> that var is named works.
> Running "port configure" does not work.

OK, I see why it doesn't work. This was mentioned previously. We set
LDFLAGS/CPPFLAGS (and other variables) in the environment, which
breaks the following command:

mysql_config5 --libs $LDFLAGS

Normally LDFLAGS is empty, so it doesn't affect this. Anyway, easy
enough fix to patch-configure ....

+	LDFLAGS=`/opt/local/bin/mysql_config5 --libs $LDFLAGS`
+	CPPFLAGS=`/opt/local/bin/mysql_config5 --include $CPPFLAGS`

should be

+	LDFLAGS=`/opt/local/bin/mysql_config5 --libs` $LDFLAGS
+	CPPFLAGS=`/opt/local/bin/mysql_config5 --include` $CPPFLAGS

That should get things working, to some extent. I have some other
complaints about your Portfile, but let's get this thing compiling
first. :)

- Toby

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