Trac displaying .diff files strangely?

Rainer Müller raimue at
Thu Feb 19 08:41:25 PST 2009

Shreevatsa R wrote:
> Yes, it still looks wrong to me, both on my (Mac) laptop and using
> curl/wget on an unrelated Linux machine over SSH (the source starts
> with "<div..."). Both these are within my university (MIT), so I
> thought it might be some higher-level cache, but I asked my friend in
> Waterloo (Canada) to check and he also sees the same results as I do.
> So perhaps it's something to do with Trac's server-side caching after all?

I was able to reproduce this when using curl, but when I viewed the page
in Firefox/Safari everything was alright.

The problem is that Trac changes content depending on whether you are
logged in or not. Now I can also reproduce the behavior in
Firefox/Safari when I am logged out.


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