The Guide - again
Ryan Schmidt
ryandesign at
Mon Mar 9 22:16:44 PDT 2009
> Many of those tickets say "the guide should ..." and give not a lot of
> helpful information. Not all. Ryan's doc tickets are particularly
> helpful I should say. But as an example of ones that will linger:
> Since the creator didn't
> give any
> directly usable information, it will be awhile before that gets
> acted on.
The creator of the ticket may not know how to document the option.
They may have just seen it in a portfile or portgroup or somewhere
and wondered what it was, and noted it was not described in the
guide. So it's right for them to ask for it to be documented.
For tickets that say the guide should document something, without
saying how it should be documented, maybe a message should be sent to
macports-dev asking if anyone knows what the option does. For example
in the case of 15784, I don't know what "perl5.use_module_build" is /
does. Hopefully someone with more experience with the perl modules does.
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