Can we create proc{} Portfile?

Darren Weber dweber at
Tue May 12 15:52:05 PDT 2009

Can we create a proc within a Portfile?

I'm currently using this in several places for the vtk-devel port (to set
different python version variables):

    set pyver        2.6
    set python       python${pyver}
    set pyport       [join [lrange [split ${python} .] 0 1] ""]
    set pyframe

Can we create a global proc in a Portfile?  Something like this:

proc setPython { major minor } {
    global pyver python pyport pyframe
    set pyver        ${major}.${minor}
    set python       python${pyver}
    set pyport       python${major}${minor}
    set pyframe

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