Can we create proc{} Portfile?

Darren Weber dweber at
Tue May 12 16:39:09 PDT 2009

On Tue, May 12, 2009 at 3:52 PM, Darren Weber <dweber at> wrote:

> Can we create a proc within a Portfile?
> I'm currently using this in several places for the vtk-devel port (to set
> different python version variables):
>     set pyver        2.6
>     set python       python${pyver}
>     set pyport       [join [lrange [split ${python} .] 0 1] ""]
>     set pyframe
> ${prefix}/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/${pyver}
> Can we create a global proc in a Portfile?  Something like this:
> proc setPython { major minor } {
>     global pyver python pyport pyframe
>     set pyver        ${major}.${minor}
>     set python       python${pyver}
>     set pyport       python${major}${minor}
>     set pyframe
> ${prefix}/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/${pyver}
> }
> Regards,
> Darren

I've tried something that is not working (it doesn't crash, but it's not
effective), i.e.:

# Set some default python variables
set pyver        2.6
set python       python${pyver}
set pyport       [join [lrange [split ${python} .] 0 1] ""]
set pyframe      Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/${pyver}
global pyver python pyport pyframe

# A function to reset the python variables
proc setPython { major minor } {
    global pyver python pyport pyframe
    set pyver        ${major}.${minor}
    set python       python${pyver}
    set pyport       python${major}${minor}
    set pyframe      Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/${pyver}

variant py25 conflicts py26 requires shared description {python 2.5 wrapper}
    pre-configure {
        setPython 2 5
    #set pyver        2.5
    #set python       python${pyver}
    #set pyport       [join [lrange [split ${python} .] 0 1] ""]
    #set pyframe
    depends_lib-append \
    configure.args-delete \
    configure.args-append \
        -DPYTHON_INCLUDE_PATH:FILEPATH=${prefix}/include/${python} \
        -DPYTHON_LIBRARY:FILEPATH=${prefix}/lib/lib${python}.dylib \
        -DPYTHON_DEBUG_LIBRARY:FILEPATH=${prefix}/lib/lib${python}.dylib \
        -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE:FILEPATH=${prefix}/bin/${python} \
        # The VTK_PYTHON_SETUP_ARGS *MUST* be in single quotes
    post-destroot {
        # Redefine all the python variables in this clause (they are not
        # through from the definitions above in the variant).
        #set pyver        2.5
        #set python       python${pyver}
        #set pyport       [join [lrange [split ${python} .] 0 1] ""]
        #set pyframe
        # Reset the name of the vtkpython binary (create a symlink to the
        # version specific installation, in case other apps look for
        move ${destroot}${prefix}/bin/vtkpython
        ln -f -s ${destroot}${prefix}/bin/vtk-${branch}-${pyport}
        # Is it possible to change the python site-package name and have it
all work OK?
        # from:  /opt/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/vtk
        # to:    /opt/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/vtk-5.4
        # Reset the RPATH for all the python .so files
        set buildBinPath ${build.dir}/bin
        set vtkLibPath ${prefix}/lib/${distname}
        set vtkPythonPackage
        foreach f [glob ${vtkPythonPackage}/*.so] {
            foreach dep [exec otool -L ${f}] {
                if [string match "*libvtk*.dylib" ${dep}] {
                    set newdep [strsed ${dep}
                    system "install_name_tool -change ${dep} ${newdep} ${f}"

What is wrong here?  Does it require global declarations in the variant?

Thanks in advance,
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