webroot for macports

Rainer Müller raimue at macports.org
Mon Apr 26 14:34:56 PDT 2010

On 2010-04-26 20:59 , Jeremy Lavergne wrote:
> I know the topic has come up a few times, but why haven't we solved
> the whole "web directory" issue by creating a new macports variable
> to define it's location?
> When I asked Ryan about it he pointed out that we do have variables
> for applications_dir and frameworks_dir.  Perhaps web_dir would be
> the place to point apache's documentroot, store any web files, and
> consolidate all that is presently ${prefix}/www ?

I would prefer ${prefix}/var/www. But do we really need to have this
configurable? Wouldn't it be enough that all web server ports and web
application ports use the same path?


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