2010 the year for package builds? [was Re: Is it time to start regression testing yet?]

C. Florian Ebeling florian.ebeling at gmail.com
Tue Jan 5 15:38:57 PST 2010

> I've looked at this a couple of times. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to get
> CouchDB and the will_paginate gem to play nice (which Florian was obviously
> able to do =) and have never had time to chase that down fully. I keep
> thinking "this must be really simple" which prevents me from flipping it
> back to ActiveRecord and making it go.
> Florian, if you've a thought on this, please chime in. Otherwise, I'm likely
> to just put AR back in place in the name of keeping this moving.

When I implemented this, couch_potato was moving quite quickly, and I
used a patched version myself. And I didn't keep on rebasing and
integrating changes from the github master since, so it is quite
likely that there happened some bit rot. My main reason for using
CouchDB was that I wanted to spice up the project by using a
technology that thrilled me.

If you are immediately productive with a straightforward AR solution
you should probably switch over and focus on the actual features you
want. William Siegrist who looks after the other MP systems was
pushing into the direction of MySQL anyway, so that might just make
things easier for everyone. I wont be offended if you switch :) Quite
to the contrary, I'm happy if this project lives on.


Florian Ebeling
florian.ebeling at gmail.com

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