Chromium BSU versus Chromium

Blair Zajac blair at
Thu Jul 8 17:40:44 PDT 2010

On 07/08/2010 05:05 PM, David Bruce wrote:
> Hi,
>>> I think chromium falls into the same category, myself.
> Probably so, although the "overwhelming majority" probably still just
> calls it "Chrome", even when referring to an outside build from the
> Chromium source tree rather than an official Google binary release.
> btw, I *really* *really* like the way that Google has come up with
> this Chrome/Chromium naming convention, where non-Google-built
> binaries can have a recognizably similar name and logo, as opposed to
> the Firefox policy of "if you patch anything you can't call it Firefox
> or use a similar logo".  I love Firefox, but they are way more
> defensive about their name than any other free software project I can
> think of.  But it's their decision, no disputing that.
> fwiw, Debian is handling this basically as suggested above, with the
> names "chromium-bsu" and "chromium-browser".  For now, "chromium" is
> an alias for "chromium-bsu", but I don't know what the long term plan
> is:
> dbruce at emperor:/etc$ aptitude search chromium
> p   chromium                               - transitional dummy
> package for chromium-bsu
> i   chromium-browser                       - Chromium browser
> p   chromium-browser-dbg                   - chromium-browser debug
> symbols
> i A chromium-browser-inspector             - page inspector for the
> chromium-browser
> p   chromium-browser-l10n                  - chromium-browser language
> packages
> p   chromium-bsu                           - fast paced, arcade-style,
> scrolling space shooter
> p   chromium-bsu-data                      - data pack for the
> Chromium B.S.U. game
> p   chromium-data                          - transitional dummy
> package for chromium-bsu-data
> v   chromium-testsuite                     -
> v   chromium-testsuite-dbg                 -

As an aside, Google has a Debian/Ubuntu repository at and they name their official package 


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