Chromium BSU versus Chromium

David Bruce davidstuartbruce at
Thu Jul 8 17:05:37 PDT 2010


>> I think chromium falls into the same category, myself.

Probably so, although the "overwhelming majority" probably still just
calls it "Chrome", even when referring to an outside build from the
Chromium source tree rather than an official Google binary release.

btw, I *really* *really* like the way that Google has come up with
this Chrome/Chromium naming convention, where non-Google-built
binaries can have a recognizably similar name and logo, as opposed to
the Firefox policy of "if you patch anything you can't call it Firefox
or use a similar logo".  I love Firefox, but they are way more
defensive about their name than any other free software project I can
think of.  But it's their decision, no disputing that.

fwiw, Debian is handling this basically as suggested above, with the
names "chromium-bsu" and "chromium-browser".  For now, "chromium" is
an alias for "chromium-bsu", but I don't know what the long term plan

dbruce at emperor:/etc$ aptitude search chromium
p   chromium                               - transitional dummy
package for chromium-bsu
i   chromium-browser                       - Chromium browser
p   chromium-browser-dbg                   - chromium-browser debug
i A chromium-browser-inspector             - page inspector for the
p   chromium-browser-l10n                  - chromium-browser language
p   chromium-bsu                           - fast paced, arcade-style,
scrolling space shooter
p   chromium-bsu-data                      - data pack for the
Chromium B.S.U. game
p   chromium-data                          - transitional dummy
package for chromium-bsu-data
v   chromium-testsuite                     -
v   chromium-testsuite-dbg                 -


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