publican porting effort

Daniel J. Luke dluke at
Fri Sep 24 07:37:06 PDT 2010

On Sep 24, 2010, at 4:55 AM, Radovan Pútec wrote:
> I would like to port publican[1] to osx, prefferably push it into macports. I've
> already started to push perl dependencies into ports, the only problem is that
> Publican depends on perl modules that depends on perl core modules in perl >=
> 5.10. There is a way to force update on core module from ports, but that is 
> generaly a bad idea, so the only viable option I see is to use perl >= 5.10.

We changed our perl @INC order so that the vendor location is searched first (so you can install newer versions of core modules if you need/want them).

> Since there are three version of perl in ports, is there a way to maintain 
> modules for every version?

not currently. Whatever version of perl you have installed as ${prefix}/bin/perl ends up with the p5-* modules you install (and you'll really mess yourself up if you try to have two versions of perl alternating as ${prefix}/bin/perl

> Are there any policies regarding packaging perl 
> modules?

use the perl5 portgroup?

> And why are there tree versions of perl in ports.

laziness? because people want it? because there hasn't been a good way to force a rebuild of all of the p5-* ports when someone upgrades major perl versions?

Daniel J. Luke                                                                   
| *---------------- dluke at ----------------* |                          
| *-------------- -------------* |                          
|   Opinions expressed are mine and do not necessarily   |                          
|          reflect the opinions of my employer.          |                          

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