python portfile issue with running twice

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Thu Sep 30 15:08:06 PDT 2010

On Sep 30, 2010, at 16:55, Joshua Root wrote:

> On 2010-10-1 04:28 , Ryan Schmidt wrote:
>> On Sep 29, 2010, at 13:54, Joshua Root wrote:
>>> On 2010-9-30 03:48 , Ryan Schmidt wrote:
>>>> This, and the problem before it with the python library, apparently both stem from setting LDFLAGS, which the python26 portgroup does. According to the following post, setting LDFLAGS overrides vital settings, contrary to how we expect LDFLAGS to work, which is to append settings to those already defined by the software.
>>>> So, the python26 portgroup appears to need some changes to not set LDFLAGS like that.
>>> You mean like "python.add_archflags no"?
>> Well, perhaps. But it seems like ANY adding of LDFLAGS in ANY case would be enough to cause a problem, for some python modules that use LDFLAGS for their own purpose.
>> See, this problem was just reported again against py26-numpy:
> These two modules treat LDFLAGS in the environment differently than
> every normal distutils does, as the very message you linked to
> above acknowledges. There's nothing wrong with the portgroup here.

Ok. The message I linked to said "LDFLAGS (and other similar variables) do not work as expected with distutils" and I thought distutils was something that might be used by any python port. (I'm not very familiar with the python stuff.)

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