'configure-args.delete' bug?

Vincent Habchi vince at macports.org
Wed Dec 7 08:27:01 PST 2011

Hi there,

I am currently working on the atlas Portfile to bump to 3.9.55. Part of the Portfile looks like this:

configure.args      -C xc ${configure.cc} \
                    -C gc ${configure.cc} \
                    -C if ${configure.f77} \
                    -C ic ${configure.cc} \
                    -C dm ${configure.cc} \
                    -C sm ${configure.cc} \
                    -C dk ${configure.cc} \
                    -C sk ${configure.cc} \
                    --cc=${configure.cc} \
                    --with-netlib-lapack-tarfile=${distpath}/${lapackdist} \
                    -O 12 \
                    -b ${my_arch} \
                    -Fa alg '-fPIC -g' \
                    -Ss f77lib ${prefix}/lib/gcc${gccnumber}

# Dragonegg
if { [variant_isset dragonegg46] } {
    configure.args-append -Fa if -fplugin=${prefix}/lib/dragonegg46.so

if { [variant_isset nofortran] } {
    configure.args-delete -C if ${configure.f77}
    configure.args-delete -Ss f77lib ${prefix}/lib/gcc${gccnumber}
    configure.args-append -Si nof77 1


If I do:

'sudo port -vd configure atlas +mpclang'

I got the expected configure line:

DEBUG: Assembled command: 'cd "/opt/local/var/macports/build/_Users_vincent_Projets_macPorts_ports_math_atlas/atlas/work/atlas-3.9.55/build" && ../configure --prefix=/opt/local -C xc /opt/local/bin/clang -C gc /opt/local/bin/clang -C if /opt/local/bin/gfortran-mp-4.5 -C ic /opt/local/bin/clang -C dm /opt/local/bin/clang -C sm /opt/local/bin/clang -C dk /opt/local/bin/clang -C sk /opt/local/bin/clang --cc=/opt/local/bin/clang --with-netlib-lapack-tarfile=/opt/local/var/macports/distfiles/atlas/lapack-3.4.0.tgz -O 12 -b 64 -Fa alg '-fPIC -g' -Ss f77lib /opt/local/lib/gcc45 -Fa acg '-fPIC -g' -D c -DPentiumCPS=2300'

However, if I enter:

'sudo port -vd configure atlas +mpclang +nofortran'

something goes wrong in the way the 'configure.args-delete -C if ${configure.f77}':

DEBUG: Assembled command: 'cd "/opt/local/var/macports/build/_Users_vincent_Projets_macPorts_ports_math_atlas/atlas/work/atlas-3.9.55/build" && ../configure --prefix=/opt/local xc /opt/local/bin/clang -C gc /opt/local/bin/clang -C -C ic /opt/local/bin/clang -C dm /opt/local/bin/clang -C sm /opt/local/bin/clang -C dk /opt/local/bin/clang -C sk /opt/local/bin/clang --cc=/opt/local/bin/clang --with-netlib-lapack-tarfile=/opt/local/var/macports/distfiles/atlas/lapack-3.4.0.tgz -O 12 -b 64 -Fa alg '-fPIC -g' -Si nof77 1 -Fa acg '-fPIC -g' -D c -DPentiumCPS=2300'

Notice the '-C' before 'xc' has (wrongly) been removed, but the one before 'if /opt/local/bin/gfortran-mp-4.5' has (wrongly) remained, causing a configure error.

Any idea?

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