Fwd: KDE's application path

Nicolas Pavillon pavillon.nicolas at gmail.com
Fri Feb 18 02:01:12 PST 2011


This mail refers to ticket 28400 (http://trac.macports.org/ticket/28400), where kile does not find other KDE applications by itself, essentially for two reasons. 
First, KDE's applications are installed in /Applications/MacPorts/KDE4/ without any link or executable in /opt/local/bin, so that they are difficult to find. Secondly, applications bundles do not consider $PATH at launch, so that launching apps by double-clicking and launching them by the Terminal leads to different behaviours. 

There are ways to circumvent this issue, but can hardly be automated on the Portfile. Typically, a solution may be to prepare a preference file with proper path already set in, but KDE's preferences are in ~/Library/Preferences/KDE, so that installing this file would to my knowledge break the installation policy in /opt/local for a standard installation. 

I am wondering if people more knowledgeable than me in KDE would have an idea to propose in order to try to solve this issue directly at install. I noticed for example that Dolphin can open files with other KDE's applications such as Okular or Gwenview, so that it seems that ways to find applications could exist.

Thanks in advance, 


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