
Craig Treleaven ctreleaven at
Mon Apr 2 10:39:26 PDT 2012

At 12:31 PM -0500 4/2/12, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
>On Apr 1, 2012, at 08:53, Craig Treleaven wrote:
>>  At 10:20 AM -0400 3/31/12, Jeremy Lavergne wrote:
>>>  > cd cd 
>>>>  sudo find . -name "Makefile" -exec sed -i '' 's/ -L / /g' {} \;
>>>>  This is what MacPorts Reinplace extension is for, right?  Would 
>>>>this be the right syntax?
>>>>  post-configure {
>>>>	reinplace 's/ -L / /g' ${worksrcpath}/Makefile
>>>>  }
>>>>  Reinplace will do a recursive search from the specified 
>>>>directory on down, right?
>>>  reinplace will only operate on the files you give to it. You need 
>>>to give it a complete list or you might use it in conjunction with 
>>>fs-traverse (see `man portfile`).
>>  I'm struggling with this.  Did I mention I'm new to MacPorts AND 
>>tcl? ;)  What I've got so far is this:
>>  post-configure {
>>  	fs-traverse myfile ${configure.dir} {
>>			if  { [ file tail $myfile ] == "Makefile" } {
>>  #				ui_info "Removing any spurious -L 
>>from ${myfile}"
>>				reinplace "s/ -L / /g" ${myfile}
>>      	}
>>  	}
>>  }
>>  The trouble is that it does the reinplace on less than half the 20 
>>or so files that need it.
>Since you've subsequently noticed the same problem when running 
>"find", I suspect your regular expression is not correct. I will try 
>to build the port later and see if I can figure out what's going on.

Maybe that's the problem--it is not supposed to be a "regular 
expression"; it is a literal string of 'space-hyphen-capital 
ell-space'.  Does hyphen have special meaning in a regex?


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