macports-gcc-XX and macports-clang-XX

Jeremy Lavergne jeremy at
Wed Apr 18 07:43:47 PDT 2012

>> Rather than hardcode every version of gcc and clang into base, we should support these configure.compiler options dynamically.  My tcl-foo isn't quite good enough to easily do that, but hopefully somebody has the magic necessary.  I just thought I'd throw it out there since the list of compilers will only grow over the coming years, and it sucks to have to wait for a new version of base to depend on a new compiler "the right way".
> That's an idea. But I think we can also continue to use things the way they are. We just have to be a little quicker about adding new options to base. For example, I just added gcc47 and gcc48 to base for MacPorts 2.1.0 beta 1, though gcc47 had been available already for a long time (as a pre-release). We should add a compiler to base as soon as the port is added, and not wait for it to become a final release. This also relies on us not waiting too long between releases of base, which isn't a bad idea anyway.

Is it possible we can slide some of this code into a PortGroup or a conf file? Maybe as a permanent way of defining compilers: I'm thinking like the new archives conf, with optional requirements on OS/xcode. This will allow other people to add their own compilers as well.

After all, if new compilers are added to MacPorts during a lull in our releases it might take quite some time to get them out to users.

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