port mpkg and variants: failure

Jeremy Lavergne jeremy at lavergne.gotdns.org
Sat Dec 8 13:58:08 PST 2012

> We have a hundred users on MacBook Airs (so wireless only) that we plan on disting an initial 1 GB mpkg to using Munki [1].  I wrote a meta-Portfile with the below dependencies.  So anything to avoid re-sending a 1 GB to everybody would be nice ;)

Sounds like you have all the functionality you need from Munki: it makes packages appear in Apple's Software Update? In that case, all the subpackages should also get checked by SU once they're installed--be it from the mpkg or individually.

If not, this is how I'd manually do what you're after:
 * make and update a pkg for each package
 * make an mpkg and keep it updated (for new machines, replacements, full reinstalls)
 * make an XML or CSV or some simple list to check installed versus available versions
 * write a daemon to pull down and install whatever packages are needed when it checks

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