Xcode 4.3 Command Line Tools installer glitch

Jack Howarth howarth at bromo.med.uc.edu
Thu Feb 16 20:03:38 PST 2012

   I've confirmed that for both the clean install of Xcode 4.3/Command Line Tools
as well as the upgrade install of Xcode 4.3/Command Line Tools over Xcode 4.2.1
that the developer directory path isn't being set. This results in 'xcodebuild -version'
producing the error message...

Error: No developer directory found at /Developer. Run /usr/bin/xcode-select to update the developer directory path.

until the user explicitly executes...

sudo xcode-select -switch /Applications/Xcode.app

I also noticed on the Xcode 4.3 upgrade over Xcode 4.2.1 that the /usr/bin/c++ symlink was left set
to llvm-g++-4.2 until the xcode-select command was properly executed to set the developer directory
path (although oddly /usr/bin/cc was symlinked to clang). After setting the devloper directory
path, /usr/bin/c++ is symlinked to point to clang++.
ps FYI, I've filed this as radr://10881681, "Installing Xcode 4.3 command tools doesn't set developer directory path"
with a request that the Xcode 4.3 Command Line Tools installer be updated to properly call xcode-select
to set the developer directory path in its post install scripts.

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