apache2 httpd 2.4.2

Bjarne D Mathiesen macintosh at mathiesen.info
Sat May 26 15:21:33 PDT 2012

The problem is, that some ports are depending recursively on either
apache2, apr or apr-util as far as I can see, and not all of these are
then actually using apxs or the apache2 layout

I think this is the most accurate count. I've directly tested the
Portfiles of all ports looking for direct calls of apxs:

++++++++++ script start +++++++++

declare -i counter=0
declare -i totalFound=0
declare -i totalPorts=$( port -q list | wc -l )
declare foundPort=''

# find all the ports that are dependent on apxs
while read portname[0] portname[1] portname[2]
    (( counter++ ))
    printf "\r[ %5i | %5i ] %-50s" \
        ${counter} ${totalPorts} ${portname[2]}
    fundet=$( \
        grep -E -e "apxs" $(port file ${portname[0]}) \
    |   wc -l )
    if [[ ( ${fundet} -gt 0 ) && \
          ( ${foundPort} != ${portname[2]} ) ]]
        echo ''
        (( totalFound++ ))
    if [ ${fundet} -gt 0 ]
done < <( port list )
printf "\r[ %5i | %5i ] %-50s\n" \
    ${counter} ${totalPorts} '*** FINISHED ***'
cat <<EOF
all-in-all ${totalFound} ports are directly referencing apxs
++++++++++ script end ++++++++++

which gives :

[    36 | 15228 ] www/apache2
[  1476 | 15228 ] devel/subversion
[  1477 | 15228 ] devel/subversion-javahlbindings
[  1478 | 15228 ] devel/subversion-perlbindings
[  1479 | 15228 ] devel/subversion-python24bindings
[  1480 | 15228 ] devel/subversion-python25bindings
[  1481 | 15228 ] devel/subversion-python26bindings
[  1482 | 15228 ] devel/subversion-python27bindings
[  1483 | 15228 ] devel/subversion-rubybindings
[  2968 | 15228 ] lang/gnat-gcc
[  3054 | 15228 ] lang/php
[  3130 | 15228 ] lang/php4
[  3131 | 15228 ] lang/php5
[  3132 | 15228 ] lang/php5-devel
[  3134 | 15228 ] lang/php52
[  3890 | 15228 ] net/nedi
[  4688 | 15228 ] perl/p5-cgi-speedycgi
[  6972 | 15228 ] perl/p5-libapreq
[  6978 | 15228 ] perl/p5-libapreq2
[ 14623 | 15228 ] www/apache2
[ 14624 | 15228 ] www/apache20
[ 14678 | 15228 ] www/midgard-apache2
[ 14680 | 15228 ] www/midgard-data
[ 14683 | 15228 ] www/mod_antispam
[ 14684 | 15228 ] www/mod_authn_otp
[ 14685 | 15228 ] www/mod_cband
[ 14686 | 15228 ] www/mod_chroot
[ 14687 | 15228 ] www/mod_dnssd
[ 14689 | 15228 ] www/mod_evasive
[ 14690 | 15228 ] www/mod_fastcgi
[ 14691 | 15228 ] www/mod_fcgid
[ 14692 | 15228 ] www/mod_gnutls
[ 14693 | 15228 ] www/mod_jk
[ 14694 | 15228 ] www/mod_jk2
[ 14695 | 15228 ] www/mod_mono
[ 14696 | 15228 ] www/mod_perl
[ 14697 | 15228 ] www/mod_perl2
[ 14698 | 15228 ] www/mod_proxy_html
[ 14699 | 15228 ] www/mod_python
[ 14700 | 15228 ] www/mod_python25
[ 14701 | 15228 ] www/mod_python26
[ 14702 | 15228 ] www/mod_ruby
[ 14703 | 15228 ] www/mod_security
[ 14704 | 15228 ] www/mod_security2
[ 14705 | 15228 ] www/mod_ssi_func
[ 14706 | 15228 ] www/mod_wsgi
[ 14721 | 15228 ] www/php5-midgard
[ 15228 | 15228 ] *** FINISHED ***
all-in-all 47 ports are directly referencing apxs

So, I could do one of my script-based fixes as I did for the
p5-<extension> ports and make a massive diff once more ???

Bjarne D Mathiesen
København N ; Danmark ; Europa
denne besked er skrevet i et totalt M$-frit miljø
MacOS X 10.7.3 Lion ; 2.8GHz Intel Core i7 ; 16GB 1067MHz DDR3

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