Active Maintainer... Social Conversion

John Patrick nhoj.patrick at
Wed Oct 17 02:44:39 PDT 2012

Morning/Afternoon/Evening All,

I was going to raise a ticket, but thought I'd start by email an email
1st. I would like to advocate tweaking what a active maintainer means?
Something like a time limit on submitted or accepting patches.

I've raised several tickets since, installing and then participating
with mac ports, my view was I can't complain if i don't participate.
The issues I've encountered have been around maintainers moving on,
changing email address, no longer interested in maintaining, etc etc
etc. This has been annoying when I was trying to fix defects or
upgrade to a newer minor or build version number.

I realize that everyone participates due to different reasons and
using their own time, everyone might have peaks and troughs in their
availability to participate.

Just wanted to gauge peoples views upon this, not suggesting something
like 24 hrs, 1 week, 1 month...

Maybe adding something like 6 months you need to log in, to a new
maintainers specific area where they can see what they are a
maintainer for, what they want to keep being a maintainer for and when
they would like to switch to either have openmaintainer or
nomaintainer responsible. Then say after 9 months it automatically
switches to nomaintainer.


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