Switching libstdc++ from libsupc++ to libc++abi (Was: [109683] trunk/dports/multimedia/mkvtoolnix/Portfile)

Lawrence Velázquez larryv at macports.org
Sun Aug 25 16:42:56 PDT 2013

On Aug 20, 2013, at 1:43 AM, Jeremy Huddleston Sequoia <jeremyhu at macports.org> wrote:

> The issue for is that mkvtoolnix is using libstdc++.dylib provided by libgcc and other ports that it links against (boost and icu) are using libstdc++ provided by OS X. Objects cannot be passed between the two runtimes.  I believe that fixing MacPorts' libstdc++.dylib to be based on the host's libc++abi.dylib rather than its own libsupc++.dylib may mitigate this problem, but nobody has taken up this task since I mentioned it last year, and I'm restricted by the license.

I'd be willing to look into this, if you think it's worthwhile.


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