Anything else for 2.1.3?

Jeremy Huddleston Sequoia jeremyhu at
Mon Jan 28 10:58:47 PST 2013

On Jan 28, 2013, at 10:04 AM, Joshua Root <jmr at> wrote:

> On 2013-1-29 04:20 , Sean Farley wrote:
>> On Mon, Jan 28, 2013 at 2:39 AM, Joshua Root <jmr at> wrote:
>>> As per the milestone due date, I'm thinking we should do the release at
>>> the end of the month. If there anything else we really need to merge to
>>> the branch? Eligible changes at this point should be low-risk,
>>> well-tested bug fixes only (or purely routine stuff like addition of new
>>> configure.compiler values).
>> Well, it'd be nice to fix the issue mentioned by Jeremy,
> Nobody has even suggested a patch yet, so, not happening in this release.

I'm not really sure where you would want to put the change, but the logic is essentially this:

# TODO: base should do this:
if {[portconfigure::compiler_is_port ${configure.compiler}]} {
    depends_build-append port:$portconfigure::compiler_name_map(${configure.compiler})

    # base 2.1.x ignores the argument and just use ${configure.compiler}
    if {[portconfigure::arch_flag_supported ${configure.compiler}]} {
        depends_skip_archcheck-append $portconfigure::compiler_name_map(${configure.compiler})

    if {[string match macports-gcc* ${configure.compiler}]} {
        depends_lib-append port:$portconfigure::compiler_name_map(${configure.compiler})

I'd much rather do that once in base than in all the ports.

Note that I agree with Rainer that this is a change relevant for trunk and not for 2.1.3 at this time (although possibly 2.1.4 if we have one).


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