Switching to Perl 5.16

Joshua Root jmr at macports.org
Wed Jun 19 12:44:17 PDT 2013

On 2013-6-20 02:02 , Frank Schima wrote:
> It seems to me that we should be switching the default perl in Macports
> from version 5.12 to 5.16. Are there any objections to this? If not, I
> will create a Trac ticket about this.
> Here are the ports that need to be changed (46 total). Generated with
> the following command:
> port echo depends:perl5.12 and not 'p5.12-*'
> I then culled perl5 and subversion-perlbindings-5.12 from the list. 

Anything that depends on intltool and uses the standard autoconf macros
to check for it also needs to be updated when intltool is,
unfortunately. INTLTOOL_PERL needs to match the perl used by intltool,
or the configure script complains.

- Josh

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