Two different copies of MacPorts on the same system?

Vincent Habchi vince at
Sun Jun 30 22:46:38 PDT 2013

Thanks Blair and Ryan,

> If you just have a one-off command you want to run in the secondary installation, you could call it by its full path, e.g. /somewhere/bin/port. If you're settling down for lots of work in the secondary installation, you could "export PATH=/somewhere/bin:$PATH" in your terminal, but when I do that, I get confused about which terminal window has what set. You could change that terminal window's color to remind you it's different.

I was planning to do something like this, giving priority to the secondary installation – since it will be on a removable disk, a ‘rehash’ command (actually I use tcsh, not bash) would find the secondary port when the disk is connected, and the main one when it is disconnected.

Thanks again,

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