changing default perl

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Sun Nov 3 14:25:45 PST 2013

On Nov 3, 2013, at 16:22, Mark Anderson wrote:

> Well, I don't really care, but I'm not sure if this is changed, but with python I see a lot of variants that let me pick the python to support rather than just pick say +perl. Because there is a lot of just +perl out there, I get into a mix and match problem. 

That is true. If we want to keep multiple perls, we could work on adding perl variants to more ports.

> For example: GraphViz is against perl5.14,

graphviz uses perl5, so it builds for whatever variant of perl5 you had active at the time. This is obviously wrong, and actually predates our multiple perls. All of the language binding variants in graphviz are pretty awful right now; I have a longstanding ticket open about that but I have not had the energy to try to address it.

> Subversion is against perl5.16 and thus I can't use them together. It's the bindings that I really care about. I'm pulling that out of thin air right now, but I have run into this problem more than once.

subversion offers bindings subports for whatever version of perl you want, i.e. subversion-perlbindings-5.16 is for perl 5.16.

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