Detect OS upgrades and refer users to Migration

Chris Jones jonesc at
Sun Nov 17 11:02:30 PST 2013

> On 17 Nov 2013, at 06:06 pm, Landon Fuller <landonf at> wrote:
>> On Nov 4, 2013, at 20:06 , Ryan Schmidt <ryandesign at> wrote:
>> ... we’d really prefer them to uninstall and reinstall all ports.
> Users *really* (and rightfully) hate this, especially when there aren't binary packages available. For our local machines, we simply upgraded MacPorts base, and left the existing port installs in place -- so far, everything has worked fine.
> In theory, Apple should provide ABI compatibility across releases; is there any modern reason why we should still be encouraging (or enforcing) a full uninstall and reinstall?

Yes, there are. For instance the change in the default c++ runtime from libstdc++ to libc++ with OSX 10.9. These two runtimes cannot reliably be mixed, so rebuilding all ports is the only safe option. Yes, you might get by not doing this, for a while, but sooner or later you will run into problems, and the root cause is often hard to spot. users might consider the rebuild a pain, but the macPorts devs equally would consider the stream of 'bug' reports because this is not done, a pain... A rebuild is better all round, in the long term.

> -landonf
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