introducing Trac_Assigner: a script to automatically assign tickets to their port maintainer

Joshua Root jmr at
Tue Sep 24 14:28:42 PDT 2013

On 2013-9-25 06:50 , Mojca Miklavec wrote:
> How would you deal with tickets like this one?

If the port field contains more than one port name, simply add all the
maintainers of the ports to Cc.

In the more common case of one port name, you still have to deal with
multiple maintainers. The maintainer listed first should become the
owner and any subsequent maintainers should go in Cc.

And of course, duplicates should be avoided, and any owner and Cc values
set by the user when creating the ticket should not be overwritten (more
Ccs should just be appended).

> And what happens when maintainers are changed? (This is already a problem now.)

That may be out of scope. You can't really tell the difference between a
ticket deliberately assigned to someone other than the maintainer and a
ticket where the maintainer of the port has changed.

You just have to reassign the open tickets when you change a port's
maintainer. Using a script like Trac_Assigner is fine so long as it gets
it right.

> and I sometimes get a feeling that "egall" would probably
> spend less time writing a bot to click "CcMe" instead of requesting to
> be CC-ed on the zillion of tickets (990 tickets in fact).

He might as well just subscribe to macports-tickets.

- Josh

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