Where do I find a good example of a "tests" variant (which is really installing the tests on the system)?

MK-MacPorts at techno.ms MK-MacPorts at techno.ms
Fri Apr 11 15:52:29 PDT 2014

On 21 Mar 2014, at 00:14 , Ryan Schmidt <ryandesign at macports.org> wrote:
> I’m not aware of any ports that do that, or any tests that are designed to work that way.

Only recently I came across the "test phase” which can be defined in a portfile.

I’ve introduced properly running tests for kmymoney4-devel with r118839.
The user can build and run the tests by using this sequence:
$ sudo port test kmymoney4-devel +tests

Afterwards the user could proceed with
$ sudo port install kmymoney4-devel +tests
without the tests actually being installed in the system, which the “tests” variant might imply.

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