permission denied errors during building with clang on Mavericks

MK-MacPorts at MK-MacPorts at
Sun Jan 12 15:07:51 PST 2014

On 12 Jan 2014, at 23:59 , Clemens Lang <> wrote:
> I've that a few times now and it seems to be a problem with permissions on the cache directory mentioned in the error message. Unfortunately it doesn't abort but it seems it can still lead to miscompiled code and performance degradation.
> I recommend you delete the cache directory entirely

Thanks, Clemens, for the hint.
I did so and it has solved the issue:
markos-imac:5396pzbj3gq7s1hwf2shczvm0000gq marko$ l
total 0
drwxr-xr-x  4 macports  macports  136 Jan 13 00:04 ./
drwxr-xr-x  3 root      wheel     102 Jan 13 00:04 ../
drwx------  6 macports  macports  204 Jan 13 00:05 C/
drwx------  5 macports  macports  170 Jan 13 00:04 T/

Before I had the user root set for the subfolder T, which obviously caused the issue.

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