Mac OS Forge Migration update

Shreeraj Karulkar skarulkar at
Wed Mar 19 23:29:01 PDT 2014

The rsync command that is failing is something like this

buildbot at build buildbot]$ grep rsync
        rsync -rlDzv --ignore-existing ${ULPATH}/ ${DLHOST}:${DLPATH}
        rsync -rlDzv --ignore-existing ${ULPATH}/ ${DLPATH}
[buildbot at build buildbot]$

I need some help in running a strace on it and providing support the out put. The command will look like.

# strace -f -t -T -o /tmp/rsync-rlDzv.trc rsync -rlDzv --ignore-existing ${ULPATH}/ ${DLHOST}:${DLPATH}

I have done this by using test directory and test files between build.macports and packages.macports but it did not encounter any errors.


On Mar 17, 2014, at 11:12 PM, Joshua Root <jmr at> wrote:

> On 2014-3-18 06:43 , Shreeraj Karulkar wrote:
>> 3) Buildbot/Slaves: While all the build-slaves seem to be compiling fine you are probably referring to the is failing for Mavericks right? I have tried send a file via rsync with similar options (-rlDzv) from build.macports to rsync.macports and it went through successfully. I also did a su to user buildbot and sent a test file through successfully. It did prompt me to accept the RSA key though. Can you check if it has worked?
>> There is also a reference to use -e in the rsync options to pass ssh options like the "--ignore-existing” optionthat is being used in the script. However the script has not changed 2013 so I am not sure it thats an issue.
>> I am still working on this and would appreciate any clues from anyone, sorry for the delay in the resolution of these issues.
> There are three buildbot-related issues remaining:
> 1. buildslaves can't selfupdate (possibly they can't connect to
> <>
> 2. buildmaster can't connect to with rsync.
> <>
> 3. buildmaster is not receiving any changesets. These should come from
> the post-commit hook which presumably runs on
> - Josh

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