How identify and remove leftover files on buildbots?

Marko Käning MK-MacPorts at
Mon Nov 3 23:36:04 PST 2014


On 04 Nov 2014, at 07:10 , Ryan Schmidt <ryandesign at> wrote:
> That port is rkward, so that's where the pre-activate block belongs. Either write a pre-activate block that explicitly deletes all the files that were directly installed before, or if you don't have such a list and can't reproduce it by reinstalling an old version of R and rkward on your system, then you could fs-traverse those two known directories:
> ${frameworks_dir}/R.framework/Resources/library/rkward/
> ${frameworks_dir}/R.framework/Resources/library/rkwardtests/
> and delete any non-registered files in there.

Oh, my bad!!!
ALL ALONG I thought that R was the port which didn’t activate properly when triggering rkward’s build!!!

Yes, of course, then the pre-activate belongs into port rkward!

I’ll try to get fs-traverse to do this job.


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