maintainer activity?

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Sat Oct 11 05:49:57 PDT 2014

On Oct 11, 2014, at 5:47 AM, petr wrote:

> On 11 Oct 2014, at 11:50, Aljaž Srebrnič wrote:
>> On 11/ott/2014, at 11:45, petr wrote:
>>> is there a clever way to learn about a maintainers most recent activity?
>>> I am using the Timeline, but this seems not very efficient. The tool is not very responsive it seems limited to 90 days back.
>>> Any hints?
>> If I understand the problem correctly, I think I’d go with a svn log on the root repo dir, grepping for the maintainer’s address.
> Will I get trac activity this way? I assumed not, only svn commits.

Correct, you will get svn commits.

> However, this way I won't be able to assess activity of maintainer without commit rights.

That's true.

> The other problem with your solution might be the footprint of the repo, especially with all the distfiles. I usually keep only trunk as a local copy. 

With a very few exceptions, distfiles are not in the repository.

> The Timeline is actually quite useful, however the queries take ages and &daysback parameter seems to be limited to 90 day. So you need to click through several periods, before you get some idea.

My goal is to have maintainer activity information on the new MacPorts web site. My initial plan was to base this on svn commits, but you're right that this won't include non-committers. It would also be useful to include Trac activity.

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