
Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Sun Sep 28 17:07:27 PDT 2014

On Sep 28, 2014, at 1:25 PM, Mark Brethen wrote:

> What are the limitations on the "configure.cmd" variable? I tried
>    configure.cmd      ./configure ${configure.pre_args} --with-csl ; ./configure --with-psl
> but port didn't like that.

configure.cmd (and, more generally, any *.cmd) is designed to specify the relative or absolute path to a program to run. Any arguments to that command are meant to be specified in *.args, *.pre_args and *.post_args. It's not intended to be used to run more than one command.

> I ended up with 
>    configure.args-append   --with-csl
>    # Need to run the configure script twice, once with --with-csl and any
>    # other relevent options and once with --with-psl and any relevant PSL
>    # options. After that use "make" and both systems should be made.
>    post-configure {
>        configure.args-replace   --with-csl --with-psl
>        system -W ${worksrcpath} "${configure.cmd}\
>                                  ${configure.pre_args}\
>                                  ${configure.args}\
>                                  CC=${}\
>                                  CXX=${configure.cxx}"
>    }
> This is according to the source documentation. I've tested it and it does work.

That looks good. Bear in mind though that the configure phase sets many environment variables. You're setting CC and CXX here as arguments, which might be equivalent in this case to having them set in the environment, but there are other variables which you're not setting and that might adversely affect the build.

Hopefully the developers can fix their configure script so that in the future it will only need a single invocation.

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